"There are other solutions as well to the problem of dangerous majorities. James Madison argued in Federalist 10 that representative government would tamp down the excesses of public opinion. He also reckoned that a vast nation, including all manner of factions, would keep any one group from amounting to a numerical majority and tyrannizing the rest."
These guys were fucking smart, just coming from EU tyranny and religious persecution. They had a very good understanding of how to prevent tyranny in the future.
I am happy to live in a Republic where factions can have their turf. This allows for many different cultures to thrive. Cultural diversity.
Trying to force your views and culture on another faction is Anit-Democratic. The USA is really a great place for independence to thrive.
Justice Thomas:
“By choosing to privilege a novel constitutional right over the religious liberty interests explicitly protected in the First Amendment, and by doing so undemocratically, the Court has created a problem that only it can fix,”
You have the freedom to move to other States (other factions) that are more in line with your values. Just don't force your tyrannical cultural genocide on me.
You can still have abortions in the USA, you just have to go to another faction.
Many countries like Sweden that are importing large numbers of cultural immigrants would do well to understand the USA and it's State and Federal relationship.