Maybe it's a Classism thing?
everything is some kind of 'ism' these days
Doesn't mean we should just disregard it, does it?
idc, do whatever you want. but I think most 'isms' are just performative - someone trying to silence someone else by playing a manufactured privilege/victim card to stop any challenging debate.
So you don't believe in -isms then? You'd rather people just forget the word 'racism' exists for example because it's just a performance to you?
nice strawman
You could just say "No, what I meant was" followed by your actual meaning, but I guess this is a way to trick people into thinking you're smarter than you are.
Why even say 'isms' don't matter if you're going to then after say they do? What even is your point here?
That you will attempt suicide (and fail again) soon.
Also you're faking being trans, Nathan
Also your dads phone is 9377671089
Its as if no one likes you here because you keep using faulty logic when you dont have anything to say.