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How do you experience violence?

Posts: 5402

I don't particularly enjoy it as a package but there is a brief moment of satisfaction I felt a few years back when I punched someone who just wouldn't back off. He kept provoking me and I deflected his punches then I punched him really hard back and he fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Leading up to the fight I felt extremely annoyed and tired because of the pointlessnes and pettiness of the situation which nobody except this moron had any desire for. 

Violence is moronic and I did not appreciate his insistence when I had given him plenty of other options. So when he kept coming at me I lost my patience and hit him back. Then that moment I felt real anger, briefly, because he forced me in that situation. 

Afterwards I was annoyed again and I had no desire to physically hurt him, I enjoyed his bruised ego more 

Posts: 60
0 votes RE: How do you experience violence?

duuu hr duru du du hr huruu duu duuru du duuuur duru du hur duruu

huuru hrrr duru ? hrr du ? huuur huu hrrr duruu du hru hruru hu ? huu duuu ? duruu duu hrur hu ? dur ? hruuu hrrr hruur ? hrrr duuru ? hruru duuuu hrrr hruru hrrr huruu dur hr du duuu dururur ? hrurr hrrr duur ? hru hu duuur du huru ? hrur hru hrrr durr ? hurr huuuu dur hr ? hrurr hrrr duur duru du ? hrru hrrr hru hru dur ? hrru hu hr hururur

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Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: How do you experience violence?

Why not just fight for sport, like martial arts? It increased my confidence a surprising amount to have some level of understanding for it and it shows how much of a hit you can take without all the dangers. 

My perception of pain is strange, I don't like aches but sharp pains are quite nice. Usually the idea that I'd like being hit is demoralizing for the prospective opponent, but for what times it hasn't been it's... been a little too fun if they started it, feeding the pride in a bad way. 

BDSM's been a pretty good stand-in for pain too as yet another expression of violence within controlled conditions. I guess the only thing about violence I'd not be a fan of is the element of surprise and it's social room for collateral damages. 

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last edit on 1/19/2022 6:09:57 PM
Posts: 525
0 votes RE: How do you experience violence?

I experience violence in a longing, gratifying way. I have ** anger management issues **

well, I successfully manage it, but it can be an issue

also helps me work hard and stay away from creeps tho so idk, I channel it well I think

Posts: 2283
0 votes RE: How do you experience violence?

I don't, my women do

Memes aside mine seem to stem from ego and paranoia. A month ago some gypsy dudes around my age were in a spitting far competition one landed near me, I warned him but he showed me the middle finger, I sprinted and punched one, his friend kicked me, then police separated us, and I got a fine of 500 lei (I basically forgot I am in europe now)  thats one ego example

The paranoia one is when I feel like I am being stalked or about to be attacked, thats how I stabbed a drunk dude in 2014 because he was walking after me and insulting me, not realizing he was just drunk

Funnily enough I dont mind shit like kids being noisy at all, or people being annoying, I just let it slide but when it comes to ego and paranoia thats when I become violent from my own personal observations

But things like being late on paying a debt, being loud, talking too much, or being late, I am very tolerant and chill on things as long as I dont feel disrespected or about to be attacked.

consumed by avarice
last edit on 2/15/2022 11:50:33 AM
Posts: 2283
0 votes RE: How do you experience violence?
Xadem said: 

I don't particularly enjoy it as a package but there is a brief moment of satisfaction I felt a few years back when I punched someone who just wouldn't back off. He kept provoking me and I deflected his punches then I punched him really hard back and he fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Leading up to the fight I felt extremely annoyed and tired because of the pointlessnes and pettiness of the situation which nobody except this moron had any desire for. 

Violence is moronic and I did not appreciate his insistence when I had given him plenty of other options. So when he kept coming at me I lost my patience and hit him back. Then that moment I felt real anger, briefly, because he forced me in that situation. 

Afterwards I was annoyed again and I had no desire to physically hurt him, I enjoyed his bruised ego more 

 This seems strange to me, why not hit back if hes hitting you? Not hitting him back doesnt make you a better person, just a doormat. Did your parents punish you for sticking up for yourself? Thats the vibe I am getting.

consumed by avarice
Posts: 35
0 votes RE: How do you experience violence?
The paranoia one is when I feel like I am being stalked or about to be attacked, thats how I stabbed a drunk dude in 2014 because he was walking after me and insulting me, not realizing he was just drunk


Posts: 298
0 votes RE: How do you experience violence?

Once visited my ex and one of the pitbulls never recognized me so he attacked. I pushed it off then sacrificed my weak arm ( wearing leather jacket ).

Dog grabs my forearm while I look out for the other one who happens to be a giant pitbull, ex is screaming and I slip out the screen door.

I let the dog live.

That experience also gave me a glimpse of how easy it would be for me to have killed the dog. First of all the dog was in the wrong by making me offensive, so when I think about what I'll do next time a creature starts cutting me up, the thoughts are glorious. 

Not glorious in the sense that I'd want it to happen, but if it happens, yes. I couldn't agree more. I have a dozen different ways to kill the bastard, and I have no choice cause it hurt and if I wasn't armored in leather it would've been real serious, so it feels good thinking what I'd do. For life.

Posts: 1
0 votes RE: How do you experience violence?

I killed a dude with a rock once.

Posts: 1
0 votes RE: How do you experience violence?

is pretty bad , dont get too crazy wid it hahaha

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