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Posts: 49
0 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?

Keep them as slaves, punish the unruly with death.

Posts: 886
0 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?

None of it matters, Chris Chan is Christ the King, and the Merge is upon us. Prepare for the Sonichu Dark Gods to destroy Earth and Fuck Humanity into it's eternal agony.

Lovecraft saw the future and wrote of cosmic horrors, said cosmic horrors are what Chris Chan is bringing up on us.

last edit on 11/29/2021 5:54:50 PM
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?
Lenalee said: 

If men suddenly stopped working.

- Electricity will stop flowing and all electronic devices will turn against us by doing nothing. This alone is a long list. 

- Water will stop flowing. As hard labor is required to maintain these systems. 

- Construction of new houses and buildings will cease. This will cause properties to skyrocket where only the filthy rich can afford to buy or rent one.

- Food supply will dramatically decrease while the grocery stores will be cleaned out, they will have low employment for such reasoning. Food delivery will also cease.

- Gasoline, gone. Refining gasoline from crude oil, gone.

- Transport and deliver gone.

Sure there are women in these fields, and they are respected by men for working like one, buy these women are so far and few in between they won't accommodate the demand for them.

Technology is to us, what nectar is to the bee. When it no longer works we'll turn savage against one another while the population decreases.

So when you bathe, or have a glass of that sweet government juice fresh from the tap. Or when it's gotten dark so you light up the bulb and play some Nintendo. Remember all of that magic is going on because there are men you don't even know behind the curtain making it.... Possible.  

 Lmao shut up bb, these jobs aren't as hard as you're making them out to be. Women took up "hard male" jobs in the war and thrived.  These are all jobs where the skill is taught. Literally all of these. The reason these jobs are traditionally male is because it's sexist as fuck, they generally tend to see women as weaker than and prefer to hire males. I've worked in the refinery industry, it is not hard. Operating a crane? Just be good at maths, have a steady hand and look to your flaggers.

These are not as hard as you think they are. Most of these jobs are literally sitting down behind a scada system. 

There are women wanting to enter these fields 

 I worked in construction twice. The first one was electrical work. Fishing the power cables through the concrete walls of a new police station by the airport. It sounds like a piece of cake but no. The cables were long, and rolled up and heavy as fuck.

In the morning I would retrieve them from a locked shipping container. Instead of using a dolly I had to stack them in a wheel barrel cause I would have to haul them across a construction field which is basically hills of dirt and soil.

Once I made it to the building I had to park it, then haul each roll up the stairs to where it's needed. It had to be done quickly as copper wiring is an expensive material with high liquidity and prone to theft even in broad daylight on construction zones. 

When the wires were braided and lubricated and ready to pass through these tubes ( which is another story within itself ) sometimes it would require 3 of us to pull the wires through, depending on the distance, whatever the case we'd be hauling ass all day, 5 days a week.

The majority do not operate cranes or other heavy lifting machines.

There was also 1 woman on the entire site. Blond blue eyed and very friendly. She wore a hard hat as required to do on site, but I really don't know what she did there. She was always clean while the rest of us were dirty.

Do I think women can't do this ? I don't see them sustaining, women break easier, and quite frankly, women DO NOT want to do this. Even for this project the company I worked for ended up getting sued for not being able to complete the work on the contracts deadline, this happens a lot on construction sites.

The 2nd construction job was much easier. We renovated a large industrial building into a storage facility, so lots of cutting metal framing and we used power tools to bolt the framing for the drywall. It sounds simple but it's non stop all day.

Do I see women doing this job ? If she wants to make a point sure, but construction isn't something women jump at when the opportunity to work there comes about, most women really can't do this or else they will suffer permanent injury much quicker than the guys do.


Posts: 2504
-1 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?

what a sexist implication. of course men are useful. without sperm everyone is fucked, and even then- 

to imply that any part of our population of fellow humans is any more or less useful due to sex is sexist, and that includes men. as humans, we need to work together towards a better future, and be wary of self division. division equates to weakness and distraction from working together to sculpt a better tomorrow for our descendants. why focus on such petty things? we are not children.


Posts: 2835
0 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?
Lenalee said: 

If men suddenly stopped working.

- Electricity will stop flowing and all electronic devices will turn against us by doing nothing. This alone is a long list. 

- Water will stop flowing. As hard labor is required to maintain these systems. 

- Construction of new houses and buildings will cease. This will cause properties to skyrocket where only the filthy rich can afford to buy or rent one.

- Food supply will dramatically decrease while the grocery stores will be cleaned out, they will have low employment for such reasoning. Food delivery will also cease.

- Gasoline, gone. Refining gasoline from crude oil, gone.

- Transport and deliver gone.

Sure there are women in these fields, and they are respected by men for working like one, buy these women are so far and few in between they won't accommodate the demand for them.

Technology is to us, what nectar is to the bee. When it no longer works we'll turn savage against one another while the population decreases.

So when you bathe, or have a glass of that sweet government juice fresh from the tap. Or when it's gotten dark so you light up the bulb and play some Nintendo. Remember all of that magic is going on because there are men you don't even know behind the curtain making it.... Possible.  

 Lmao shut up bb, these jobs aren't as hard as you're making them out to be. Women took up "hard male" jobs in the war and thrived.  These are all jobs where the skill is taught. Literally all of these. The reason these jobs are traditionally male is because it's sexist as fuck, they generally tend to see women as weaker than and prefer to hire males. I've worked in the refinery industry, it is not hard. Operating a crane? Just be good at maths, have a steady hand and look to your flaggers.

These are not as hard as you think they are. Most of these jobs are literally sitting down behind a scada system. 

There are women wanting to enter these fields 

 I worked in construction twice. The first one was electrical work. Fishing the power cables through the concrete walls of a new police station by the airport. It sounds like a piece of cake but no. The cables were long, and rolled up and heavy as fuck.

In the morning I would retrieve them from a locked shipping container. Instead of using a dolly I had to stack them in a wheel barrel cause I would have to haul them across a construction field which is basically hills of dirt and soil.

Once I made it to the building I had to park it, then haul each roll up the stairs to where it's needed. It had to be done quickly as copper wiring is an expensive material with high liquidity and prone to theft even in broad daylight on construction zones. 

When the wires were braided and lubricated and ready to pass through these tubes ( which is another story within itself ) sometimes it would require 3 of us to pull the wires through, depending on the distance, whatever the case we'd be hauling ass all day, 5 days a week.

The majority do not operate cranes or other heavy lifting machines.

There was also 1 woman on the entire site. Blond blue eyed and very friendly. She wore a hard hat as required to do on site, but I really don't know what she did there. She was always clean while the rest of us were dirty.

Do I think women can't do this ? I don't see them sustaining, women break easier, and quite frankly, women DO NOT want to do this. Even for this project the company I worked for ended up getting sued for not being able to complete the work on the contracts deadline, this happens a lot on construction sites.

The 2nd construction job was much easier. We renovated a large industrial building into a storage facility, so lots of cutting metal framing and we used power tools to bolt the framing for the drywall. It sounds simple but it's non stop all day.

Do I see women doing this job ? If she wants to make a point sure, but construction isn't something women jump at when the opportunity to work there comes about, most women really can't do this or else they will suffer permanent injury much quicker than the guys do.


 She was probably an inspector, tbh but even then women tend to be more conscious of safety and don't tend to bitch as much as men do because they don't want to be seen as weaker. I've worked in construction too, in both residential and commercial. I live for men telling me how vewy hard it is and how they can't imagine a woman doing it while there are a bunch of women doing exactly what they do and not complaining about how they have to push a wheel barrow up a dirt mound/hill. Its absolute peak comedy.

You seem to think saying nonstop is like a deterrent. As if women would need to take more breaks than men, as if I haven't seen men take up smoking just to get an extra break. This is coming off kinda sexist tony and frankly, i am disappointed.

Posts: 3222
-1 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?
Lenalee said:

I've worked in construction too, in both residential and commercial. I live for men telling me how vewy hard it is and how they can't imagine a woman doing it while there are a bunch of women doing exactly what they do and not complaining about how they have to push a wheel barrow up a dirt mound/hill. Its absolute peak comedy.

Well. If you told me there were a bunch of ladies doing construction while you were doing it, I wouldn't believe it.

It's not the wheel barrel part that was difficult. I just pointed out that I had to use that instead of a dolly. The hard part was moving it upstairs without an elevator and pulling the wires through the tubes. I don't see any of my ladies doing this aspect of the job daily and I know a lot of them.


You seem to think saying nonstop is like a deterrent. As if women would need to take more breaks than men, as if I haven't seen men take up smoking just to get an extra break. This is coming off kinda sexist tony and frankly, i am disappointed.

 Well I said nonstop cause that's the nature of the job. Not building 1 unit, but several. I can see my ladies doing a few of them, until they can no longer handle what's demanded of them. And I said my ladies, not the butch who can rape me.

Men in general are physically stronger and can handle more physical stress than women, and women usually don't sign up for physically demanding jobs. That's reality. Do I expect a bunch of ladies to build a sky scraper in a reasonable amount of time ? No. Unless they are cherry picked women from across the land.

Do I think women have anything to prove ? Some do, some don't.

Am I sexist ? Maybe to some. I'm glad men are the way we are and women are as they are.

Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?

what a sexist implication. of course men are useful. without sperm everyone is fucked, and even then- 

to imply that any part of our population of fellow humans is any more or less useful due to sex is sexist, and that includes men. as humans, we need to work together towards a better future, and be wary of self division. division equates to weakness and distraction from working together to sculpt a better tomorrow for our descendants. why focus on such petty things? we are not children.


 Well said Deloris.

We've yet to create life other than procreating. A sperm is made fresh, and on the spot millions and million of tiny living things are made right there on there on the scene. Sperm is sacred stuff. Only a male can do that at this point in time to say the lest.

I'll be 44 soon and never in my lifetime has a woman living in the west not had it good. Women have it better than men do in my opinion.

Posts: 2398
0 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?

half the forum is fucking chapo, seems like men are in demand. at least one man, lol

Posts: 1331
0 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?
LiYang said: 

half the forum is fucking chapo, seems like men are in demand. at least one man, lol


Posts: 2504
0 votes RE: Do we need Men in 2022?

what a sexist implication. of course men are useful. without sperm everyone is fucked, and even then- 

to imply that any part of our population of fellow humans is any more or less useful due to sex is sexist, and that includes men. as humans, we need to work together towards a better future, and be wary of self division. division equates to weakness and distraction from working together to sculpt a better tomorrow for our descendants. why focus on such petty things? we are not children.


 Well said Deloris.

We've yet to create life other than procreating. A sperm is made fresh, and on the spot millions and million of tiny living things are made right there on there on the scene. Sperm is sacred stuff. Only a male can do that at this point in time to say the lest.

I'll be 44 soon and never in my lifetime has a woman living in the west not had it good. Women have it better than men do in my opinion.

 a woman here can be able to sadly not have it good I have seen so, but otherwise-

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. and thank you

last edit on 11/29/2021 11:19:06 PM
10 / 31 posts
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