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Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: My MySpace

Oh god you're a part of the NFT rush? That model sounds horrible for a Battle Royale game format imo (one with furries at that).

Most games in general have been trying to work through the appearance of free availability with a time saving mechanic that involves two forms of fake currency with one you can splurge money into, like what League of Legends and Fall Guys ended up doing. Even the Counter-Strike skins craze was there through a low threshold of entry. Effort-based currency has shown itself to be effective bait for making people frustrated with how long 'earning' is taking, allowing them to supplement that need with the secondary currency. 

That cutscene they produced looks like it's meant to bait money-seekers more than gamers though. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 12/23/2021 2:49:05 AM
Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

Oh god you're a part of the NFT rush? 

 That's God with a capital G.

I don't buy NFT's.

As for NFT's in gaming, I don't do that either, but what it does is increase the value of digital items in gaming making them exclusive to it's platform.


Most games in general have been trying to work through the appearance of free availability with a time saving mechanic that involves two forms of fake currency with one you can splurge money into, like what League of Legends and Fall Guys ended up doing. Even the Counter-Strike skins craze was there through a low threshold of entry. Effort-based currency has shown itself to be effective bait for making people frustrated with how long 'earning' is taking, allowing them to supplement that need with the secondary currency.


 Tonight's project, Katana Inu will be all cryptocurrency, where I'll turn $50 into 2 grand +.

2k in a day. Or rather 8 hours or less. I do this all the time. This isn't LoL and other games either. This is blockchain technology, in my case the Ethereum blockchain, in other cases it's a multichain project.

I'm not interested in watching your video link. It's of no benefit. lol

Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: My MySpace

Oh god you're a part of the NFT rush? 

 That's God with a capital G.

Posted Image

I don't buy NFT's.

As for NFT's in gaming, I don't do that either, but what it does is increase the value of digital items in gaming making them exclusive to it's platform.

Oh, good. It's a scam and the content so far hasn't looked promising at all. 

I'm not interested in watching your video link. It's of no benefit. lol

I mean if you know NFTs are all crap anyway then yeah, it's just lore about another one that's insane for how much money it ended up being quote unquote 'worth'. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

Oh god you're a part of the NFT rush? 

 That's God with a capital G.

Posted Image

I don't buy NFT's.

As for NFT's in gaming, I don't do that either, but what it does is increase the value of digital items in gaming making them exclusive to it's platform.

Oh, good. It's a scam and the content so far hasn't looked promising at all. 

I'm not interested in watching your video link. It's of no benefit. lol

I mean if you know NFTs are all crap anyway then yeah, it's just lore about another one that's insane for how much money it ended up being quote unquote 'worth'. 

 There are ways to make money with NFT's. That being said I'd totally mint one and sell it.

NFT's are about buying and selling it for a higher price, while the original NFT creator will get a percentage of that sale.

An NFT in gaming provides uniqueness. Whatever skin or armor used will remain exclusive to the holder, thus bringing value.

I'm not interested in the NFT's personally but they have been very profitable.

Is it a scam ? I don't think so. One can take a screenshot of an NFT just like they can take a screenshot of a Bitcoin wallet.

The kicker....

"The difference is you can sell the Bitcoin or NFT while you're screenshot will get rejected."

The world doesn't understand what's happening and when they do, it'll be too late. In your lifetime you'll see people living out their lives on 0.5 BTC while a cheap ass pixel art crypto punk would also change your life.

Haters will hate, while participants are making millions off these things.

Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: My MySpace

It's definitely a scam right now at least, the ideas are made with money in mind rather than art. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

It's definitely a scam right now at least, the ideas are made with money in mind rather than art. 

 The only ones making money from NFT'S are artists and public figures. Most NFT'S don't sell simply because they are garbage.

Beeple has a fan following which was enough to put him on the radar for NFT art. His best seller went for 69 million bought from a Bitcoin billionaire. I don't get it, nor do I think that NFT will ever sell that high again. If it does Beeple will recieve 10% of the sale in Ethereum.

Logan Paul made $5,000,000 one night selling NFT'S of himself. Personally I think that's garbage, but there's a market for it.

On Sandbox ( A blockchain based game similar to mine craft ) I've seen land go for 2 million. A plot of digital land tends to go for more if your land is near a giant like SquareEnix. Kinda like a theme park that wants to expand it's capacity.

It's been said that an average gamer spends $200 a year on gaming and there are 3 billion gamers across the globe.

Mobile games, triple A games, PC and console games. This Metaverse that's emerging where digital goods will be open to all markets will come about, is valuable. 

Yeah it's about money, but it's also a way for creators to make money off of their artwork, or whatever they turn into an NFT.

Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

Posted Image

1,000 KATA for 1 dollar. This price will never happen ever again. 0.001 cent each.


Usually when these IDO's happen there are scams that take place, where a scammer would steal the name of a project and list a token on defi platforms.

I'm looking at a fake Katana Inu right now and it's up 96%. It was also listed 2 hours ago. Still If I bought the fake one I would sell it right about now cause it's going to come crashing down. Never do that though. 

When it comes to authenticating cryptocurrency, we use the tokens contract to verify it. As seen here.

Posted Image 

0x2e85ae1c47602f7927bcabc2ff99c40aa222ae15 << Copy Paste

The contract is used for defi platforms, it's also handy for seeking out the correct chart on crypto chart sites.

The real Katana Inu isn't listed in anything. Not for another 4 hours after the IDO launch.

We can however check it out on the blockchain to see what's going on with the IDO.

Posted Image

50 billion tokens. That's pretty high. 5 billion more than ADA. I wouldn't expect this to hit $1, but if it did that would be incrediballs ! Not happening. I'll be happy selling it at 15 cents or so.

Posted Image

100% of the tokens are currently divided between these 14 wallets. This could be a concern for late buyers. If it were expensive I wouldn't buy it while 14 wallets control the fate of this token.

One of those wallets would be holding the tokens I'll be receiving after the initial phases of the launch is over.

Then some of them will be allocated to Uniswap for purchase. When that happens I'll want to keep a close eye on the price action. Here are the characteristics we're expecting...

- As soon as it's listed, the price will spike straight up.

- The price action will become volatile and start to fall back down.

Those 2 points will happen very quickly when the token is up for grabs to the public.

If I want I can rest now, and come back at just before 8AM EST for the FCFS round ( which I never get one time but I'll try anyway )

Finally if for some reason you want this token DO NOT buy it today. Because we're going to take profit and crash it shortly after it's release. Some of us will buy it back after selling it, then crash it again, and keep selling high buying low.

That's all for now. Cheerio.


Posts: 28
0 votes RE: My MySpace

*Blows dust off thread*

Hi. This is a flex.


Posted Image

To the Left is my participating in a new Project. I'm mining tokens.

- I set the term for 351 days so they will remain locked until then. Doing this appreciates the value.

- Lower down we can see, I can claim in another 350 days. ( September 24, 2023 )

- The Estimated XEN will increase with new minters participating. Yesterday it was initially 5 million and change, and now it's 21.4 million tokens plus it's worth more. Thus far as the supply increases from it's minting stage, the value goes up, while minters are incentivised to lock away whatever they pulled making the token highly sought after and scarce.

When you make programmable money, the best thing to do is to make it increase in value.


To the right is Uniswap. Ethereum's most popular Defi platform.

Just now I checked Xen and I entered my current estimated amount. In less than a day, it's worth 11 grand.

I said less than a day.

The hype on this project is going to make my early entry even more insane.

- At this point in time, there is no chart for this.

- As I'm writing this, it's up $200.

- How much did this cost me ? $6.

That's it for now. I hope you enjoyed this flex, and remember you should always listen to me.



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