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My MySpace

Posts: 3137

Picard is the best, captain in all of Starfleet. 


The Original song sampler/creator video


Posts: 33162
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That being said I still stand by DS9. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

We have this stadium that is the first of it's kind

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originally named SkyDome. And rightfully so, because it is an actual sky-dome.

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SkyDome was bought out by a leading Cable, Cellphone, Internet Service Provider company called, Rogers. The SkyDome, ( which has the power to transform, unlike anything before it and remains unique in design ) is now called the Rogers Centre.

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It's not a battle worth fighting when even the sports world calls it the Rogers Centre.

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 On a 4th grade fieldtrip to the CN Tower ( Tour of the Universe ) I saw the Dome under construction and understood it to be the new exhibition stadium, and even today I appreciate it. If we were extinct and some Aliens came down, they would be most delighted if they found these ruins.

2 Time back to back World Series Championships, yada yada.

It takes 20 minutes to open and close the Dome. In fast forward the Dome makes an interesting sound.


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Replace it with a smaller version of itself. The original Dome has a hotel in the back there, so maybe the Condos will be as the hotel is now, but the Condos will be intergraded all around the Dome instead of 1 part. That's my guess.

It's also believed the pandemic saved the SkyDome as Rogers halted their plans to demolish it.

The current Hotel.

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Access to every single event, including concerts MMA, everything.

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Condo's like that would be pretty insane to own. Maintenance fee alone would be as high as the rent of several units aside from an insanely high price tag to begin with. Games, concerts, pay per view events once in awhile. I can see the fun in living there but what a waste of fine engineering and architecture. 



Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

My last attempt at writing in here SC refreshed on it's own. It wasn't really a refresh either as the back tab never recovered a lenghty post I was writing. Does that even happen ? No it doesn't. Moving on.

TC. The 2nd video you posted is better than the first, but they aren't very good.




Kraft. ( The company that feeds many of you and kept you alive all this time ) is power creeping on Nutella.

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It taste exactly the same as Nutella except it has fragments of hazelnuts.

The jar is made of plastic, same shape as Nutella's jar, and the lid has an image of those teddy bears molded right into it.

This product may only be available in Canada.

Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: My MySpace

My last attempt at writing in here SC refreshed on it's own. It wasn't really a refresh either as the back tab never recovered a lenghty post I was writing. Does that even happen ? No it doesn't. Moving on.

That's why I usually copy the source code of the post if I put a good deal of work into it. It seems like a tedious extra step but it's better than losing your progress. 

TC. The 2nd video you posted is better than the first, but they aren't very good.

The first is more of a relic than anything of taste from the early days of Flash. 

...the second one was me really scraping the barrel to find anything good for DS9 remixing. 

Edit: How did I forget about this video? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/2/2021 6:37:32 PM
Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

The first scene makes that entire video. It's a bit too long though.




Yesterday I made money. Today I have options. Observe.

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Ethpad is basically a launch Pad. Not too many people in the space know about this. When we have a certain amount of Ethpad staked, we're able to partake in a presale of upcoming projects Is this good ? Yes yes. Very good.

Staking cryptocurrency pays us a dividend for locking it up. Ethpad pays out daily rewards of Ethereum.

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I staked 120,000 EthPad and the Eth reward is from 2 days. It's like printing money. ( As I'm writing this, 0.043 ETH is about 201 dollars as a full Ethereum at the moment is priced at $4,745 )

At the time the EthPad costed $21,000. It's value is volatile and currently cost less than what I bought it for. That's fine. 

The real reason why I got the EthPad....

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It would land me a silver Tier in PulsePad. PulsePad is representing the upcoming Pulse Chain. It will Compete with Ethereum. Hardly anyone knows about these. Otherwise it would probably be more difficult to participate.

Yesterday it opened...

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This was what I got it for, 0.001 ( cheap ). And it's all I was able to get with a silver tier ( $56 worth ). Next time I'll get the big package. It's about 80k worth of staking to get the big one.

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 Not even public yet. At this point I was loling when I looked at the graph

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Then it went public

on BSC

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On Ethereum

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Obviously I have the Ethereum version, but I'm showing the BSC as well cause that's the one displayed in Coingecko. The Ethereum version mashed the BSC version and is still more expensive.

0.001 to 99 cents, to 42 cents, to 51... It bounces around ( 15 minute charts so each candle represents 15 minutes ok ) From the base price at what I got it for, it already went up 10,000% The value of the 51,554 PulsePad tokens remains unrecognized until I sell. But to get an idea of how much I made in the given time, we would multiply 51,554 by whatever value I sold at.

So If I sold at 51 cents, then I would have effectively turned $56 into $26,292.54 It's been to 99 cents even.

26k isn't a lot, but to turn 56 dollars into that in a few hours is bonkers.

This is the nature of launching a project on multiple blockchains and trading only in decentralized finance. The automated market makers base the price on the amount of liquidity and supply of the item, so the price will vary. 

So what can I do ? Arbitrage !

I can sell off my PulsePad on Ethereum, then I can run to the Binance Smart Chain and buy the PulsePad on there for cheaper, thus increasing my supply. Arbitrage will continue to kick in from other traders and the value of PulsePad will level out on all platforms. It just never happened yet.

I'll tell you this. PulsePad can indeed go up some more, especially when it starts doing shit. However I don't really recommend buying it, a lot of us early birds are selling it off. 

"But Tony ? Ethereum is more expensive to use, why didn't you use the BSCPad instead of EthPad ?"

Because the EthPad was cheaper to get a silver status despite the high transaction fees. It was stupid high ;  ;

That concludes today's dull lesson. To decrease the boredom I leave you with this meme.

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* Music plays: ♫ Listen to me. Why don't you listen to me. Listen to me. Why don't you listen to me ♫ *




Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

                                                                           The Blow up Doll Project

Did research into the making of sex dolls, and I'm going to make one. And possibly start a business. There are a lot of these factories and outlets rolling these out into a multi billion dollar market. But mine will be different than the others. Here I'll periodically document the making of the first prototype sex doll.

These dolls are made of 1 of 2 different materials.

- Silicone - Expensive material

- Thermoplastic elastomer ( TPE ) - Cheap material

The TPE allows the same models to roll out for roughly 1/3 cheaper while the Silicone offers better durability. The finished product is roughly the same except TPE requires more maintenance. Silicone has better durability and doesn't require the same pampering treatment as the TPE does in order to maintain it's integrity. Silicone basically has a longer lifespan. Silicone is also easier to work with so for such reasons I'm going to lean toward using Silicone for this project.

What will set my goods and services apart from the others ? Porn gaming's character creation.

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There are communities online where countless members will share and upload mods for their porn games, this also includes the very character data the create and share for anyone to download and run in their game. This is actually a big deal. So why don't the other factories do it ? Well, it's more profitable to make a selection of bodies and heads and accessories and let the customer pick and choose from that. Having to make a new model from scratch for each customer is less profitable and more demanding. I on the other hand think I can create the Bugatti of sex doll companies, expensive products but less made. Of course I'll have to charge more for this and it will be more time consuming, but there's room for expansion and efficiency, I see it happening.

These porn games have a robust character creators where the user can create their dream girls from scratch from head to toe. Head, eyes, jawline, nose, mouth, lips, ears, arms, breast, torso, ass, thighs, legs feet etc, in detail to mimic their fictional fantasy sex partners.

Personally I've used these games to create digital porn. But now, it's possible to make an accurate physical representation of people's fantasy sex partner who they usually spend hours refining.

Ripping models from games is a piece of cake, but for games that have character creators, ripping the model would only leave us with the model at default settings, but this year we now have 2 software mods that can in fact rip the models from the game and keep the specs and measurements intact. It's a big deal cause what I need is already in place, as my customers would only have to send me their digital Honeys for a price quote. I'm telling you, so many of them will pay a higher prices for this, but again, none of the factories care cause it's less profitable in the grand scheme.

The finished prototype is to be identical to the digital version, and "to highlight this the prototype was made extremely exaggerated", which goes to show how this company can do anything when it comes to shape and form. 

There's also another reason for the prototype to be extremely exaggerated which I'll mention in a bit.

Here's the digital model for the prototype.

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That last image I wet it and tweaked the lighting. Never spent too much time lighting it, but the point is, the finished prototype will obviously have a photography session and it'll be better to match the digital lighting with the photography lighting to expose the quality of replication. 


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The model was successfully ripped and imported into Autodesk Maya for some preparations for the next step. In the above image you'll notice a seam running along the side of the model. I don't know why it appeared but it's there, and it also has to be stitched together. Boobs have it too around the base and also the vagina.

The mesh is also triangulated, ( made of triangle faces ) as it should be for gaming, but for what I need the mesh must be quadulated ( made of square faces )

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At this point most of the seams were merged and softened so the seam is now gone. Some of them still need to be fixed like the vagina.

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The prototype will also have to be on the small side ( 80cm ). The reason for this is because I only have 1 3D printer and I feel it's best to make a proof of concept before investing in new hardware. With that the model will have to be printed in pieces and assembled like large blocks of Lego (gaps smoothened with plaster of clay when assembled), as the build area of the 3D printer can only do so much at once.

This image displays the time for the longest 3D print I ever made ( I usually made machine parts ). Everything is much larger than it seems in the picture but yes it took days to make this part. The part is also super dense which is why it took so long to print. It's filled. The sex doll print will not be dense, just hard enough.

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I'm also going to model the physical skeleton and make it fit inside this mesh perfectly. Usually the skeleton armature for these dolls are made of stainless steel. I won't be doing any cutting steel and welding so I'll be printing it using a carbon fiber based filament which is very light and strong stuff. tbh I should make all of my skeletons out of carbon fiber if I'm to call myself the Bugatti of sex doll makers. People struggle moving the full sized ones they are very heavy and I suspect my customers will be manlets.

At this stage the head of been quadulated. This process is not perfect, it just does most of the work. We can still see some triangles on the mesh so I'll be seeking them out and dealing with them manually. If 1 of the faces has more or less than 4 edges, it will not slice in the 3D printers slicing software. Also, it will not slice if there are seams in the model. The neckline where the head meets will be raised.

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When the meshwork is done I can then smoothen it by increasing the mesh's density to remove those jagged edges.

3D printing has a wide selection of materials to choose from, but for this model, ABS material is best. Even though it will be printed at the highest resolution it's still going to have lines. I can either sand it by hand or I can give the model a 10 minute Acetone vapor bath.

Example on a small print.

 Acetone ( nail polish remover ) Soak some napkins and leave it in a bucked with the model for 10 minutes. Done.

Next step, Make a cast mold with the completed 3D print of the body. Of course mine will have to be bigger, and I'll probably make the mold out of resin.

At this point the 3D printed model will have served it's purpose. As for the skeleton Like I said it'll be printed out of a carbon fiber based filament. Super strong super and won't weigh much. This image gives us an idea of what needs to be done before adding the silicon to the mold.

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From what I gather, this procedure of placing the skeleton can take hours. It is critical that it is in the right place while the silicone is being added to the mold cavity. The joints are also wrapped so the silicone will not jam the mechanical joints when posing.



Platinum 10 medical grade silicon ( soft on penis ) Very popular when making lifelike silicon babies for movies. The stuff is also jiggly. There is more method to this madness but I'm running out of characters in this post. The tools and materials are on the way.

Anyway. The idea is not to make just any sex doll. It's to make the customers digital creation. I reckon the most upvoted creations from the masses will go on to be off the shelf selections for the sister company. 

Posts: 2862
1 votes RE: My MySpace

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this looks more like an abomination

Cheery bye!
Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

It's an abomination, this ones like a deformed stingray. That happens when we strip away the glamor and lay it down in the casting position.

Posts: 3137
0 votes RE: My MySpace

I was doing some research into this field and learned more about producing blow up dolls. ( I like to call them that ) And I found this beauty.

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Ah ha ! It reminds me of somebody.

If Med wanted one of these all she'll have to do is get a hold of an iPhone 13 and scan Chapo nude. The 3D model will then be retopolised ( < this is a world only 3D artists use, otherwise it isn't known in the dictionary ) and prepared for slicing. Crafty silicone work yada yada. She can then have a life size replica.

I've also found some dolls that have built in actuators, so it's possible to make a life size Chapo with pump action hips.

Can be done for $10,000 ( cheap ) and will save her a bundle.

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