My panic attacks, anxiety, depression, and OCD are all worse symptomatically than what was described in these videos and my experiences with these disorders are obviously different and unique from than what she mentions. As I’m sure everyone’s sort of is to some degree unique and specific to that individual.
On top of it, I have PTSD as well (technically C-PTSD)- which there hasn’t been a video on that I can find accurately describes my experiences.
I was also diagnosed with an OCD atypical eating disorder, given the label EDNOS. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.
It's because you are too masculine. You look like a man and your family hates you. You have the mind of a woman though, only caring about reviewing makeup, and never gaining any marketable skills.
Your life will always be a dumpster fire. No wonder you have PTSD!
I went thru that girls youtube account (in the vids)
The bitch has herself in a lingerie and doing shit mixed with depression stuff. She's shooting at every angle for attention. The bitch is so narcissistic that it gave me goosebumps.