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Posts: 63
0 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?

Also abort the kid.

Who's kid is it I wonder? 

 Tyroach coming soon

Weren't you two an open relationship? 

 No, I don't do those. When we were not dating, he was allowed to do it with other people, but I'm not like that. I like to stick to one person. 

Posts: 63
0 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?

Moving to another country is a process and you must work. If you don't contribute then back you go, and even then it takes years to get citizenship, then you'll have to leave and come back anyway and do it again. Or you can live underground off the radar, but you'll be living off of dirty cash and you won't have much of it.

People tend to escape their homeland into the US. The US is also quite large and filled with better opportunities. If you plan on not returning home, you're still better off in the states.  

In the event you get caught and deported. The 12k Jim scammed off of you would have already mutated into an even greater number owing, due to interest. You already owe more as we speak.

Go home face the music. Tell them you were robbed.  

If you can't pay it back, file for bankruptcy. It's possible the backlash that come with being bankrupt will wear off in the same time it would take for you to pay off the debt with interest. How long ? You'll have to find out on your own. Your credit will also go to shit, which is fine cause it already is shit now. If you don't have it, don't spend it.



 You know what actually. This is a good idea. Keep the 12k, tell them you got sweet-talked into meeting a handsome turkish stranger which you also almost married. He understood you and was just like you and yada yada yada. But oh noes, he was abusive, poor little you had to live fearing for your life for the last month. Eventually, you managed to run off! And you burrowed money from a friend to return home. You're broken and depressed. In a huge mess. You're in debt because he took your money! Surely people will help you pay off your debt and get you on your feet.

That has been the cool advice.

Also, something smells of nigger in the narrative, plane tickets take some planning to purchase and whatnot. This whole oh I can go, oh I can stay meme does not make economic sense implying you'd actually have bought them tickets home.

 You can buy a plane ticket in like five minutes. I will do that today. I am waiting for my hot cheetos and chamoy and hair stuff, so I don't want to leave today, but all of that stuff is in the US, so I might just leave now so I can still chill at the beach for a few months.

Posts: 63
0 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?
Chat Log said:
19:49 user22212: oh look, jim and cs are back together, jim says so on discord!

Well, that blew over quickly. 

Still, it's always fun to see which people want to see Jim fail. 

 We are not together, especially since we were supposed to get rid of discord all together. This faggot is a liar, a thief and a bitch. Who knew he was on discord. I guess this solves my issue completely, I will be leaving for the US, ASAP. 

Posts: 63
1 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?



I'm out peeps.

Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?

You can always kill yourself. Jesus will forgive your ass. And if he doesn't, can't blame him really.

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 63
0 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?

You can always kill yourself. Jesus will forgive your ass. And if he doesn't, can't blame him really.

 No thank you. You should try and find God and stop telling people to kill themselves. It's not a nice thing to do and God wants us all to be nice. I am going to be nicer as well. 

Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?

So what'd you end up doing? 

Posts: 12
0 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?

You do realize begging for someone else to end your sad life with your username and then spouting that bullshit when someone, rather kindly, suggests you do it yourself, makes it apparent you're nothing but an attention whore yeah? 

Posts: 2818
0 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?
KillMe said: 

Also abort the kid.

Who's kid is it I wonder? 

 Tyroach coming soon

 You wish I would have your kid. This thing is not going to survive for much longer. I will throw myself down the stairs if I have to. You do not deserve to procreate with anyone. Your genes should have died with your mom, and even she knew that. That's why she kept trying to kill you. She knew all you would do is ruin everyone's life, like you did hers. She was smart and she did the right thing, other than the fact that she didn't kill you. You deserved to be beaten by her because you are the worst person who has ever existed. You are even worse than the devil. At least the devil is nice to people and grants favors while they are still living. All you do is leach off of people and get fat. You are the last person who deserves to live, so you're the last person who deserves to procreate. I will be killing this kid by any means necessary, short of a real abortion. I hope you die before you rape another person and force them to have your gross spawn. Maybe you should go fuck yourself while choking yourself with a rope and forget to remove it so you die. Please do that. No one wants you, which is why you have to pay so many guys and girls just to have company. You don't even pay for the sex, you're so pathetic. You pay for the company because no one can stand being around you for more than a minute. 

 Stairs wont work. Get an abortion before it is too late

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 22
0 votes RE: Go home or find a new home?
KillMe said: 
Chat Log said:
19:49 user22212: oh look, jim and cs are back together, jim says so on discord!

Well, that blew over quickly. 

Still, it's always fun to see which people want to see Jim fail. 

 We are not together, especially since we were supposed to get rid of discord all together. This faggot is a liar, a thief and a bitch. Who knew he was on discord. I guess this solves my issue completely, I will be leaving for the US, ASAP. 

 WTF happened? I thought you guys were !tite!

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