I have about two days to decide what to do, so I would really appreciate your help. The things I value most are family, freedom, and ease.
I can go home and resume my old life, which I am not really into, or I can find a new country to call my own.
The issues:
Going home:
1. Must explain absence
2. Must explain possible pregnancy
3. Must finish school
4. Must figure out a way to get 12k in cash back into the US without issue
5. Must live with parents in an apartment with thin walls
6. Must work with my mom for years
Moving to a new country:
1. Must find a country that I can live in without a visa, or move around every 3 to 6 months.
2. Might have to raise a kid alone
3. Must find a way to make money online because I am too lazy to learn a new language
4. Must ignore family until I'm rich enough to pay my student loans back
5. Cant eat mexican food or other foods that are exclusive to America
6. Won't have any help with anything
7. No guaranteed job
8. May never be rich
The pluses:
Going home:
1. Good food
2. People I know
3. No need to learn a new language
4. Guaranteed job
5. Safe
6. Help raising the possible kid
7. Will be rich in a few years
Moving to a new country:
1. No school
2. Freedom
3. No living with parents
4. No expectations
5. New adventure
6. Easy to travel to new places
7. Get to do what I actually enjoy doing