This just seems like such a huge risk when it's so transparent how much Med would want Chapo's kid.
With his progeny held hostage she could never be ignored ever again.
Make sure the packaging hasn't been tampered with.
Chapo should buy it himself
Absolutely not.
To chapo buying the plan b himself or to doing a random act of kindness?
yeah btw what about the original topic? I tried to bring something whesome and u use it to put down a fellow woman!!!
Suck my dick. I don't need this forums validation to do acts of kindness. Doing it for exposure and to make others see how 'kind' you are automatically makes it about you and not about how you were being kind. You don't need to try to show it off
yeah btw what about the original topic? I tried to bring something whesome and u use it to put down a fellow woman!!!
This has been a natural tangent from his answering you. Most OP's are more like inspirational prompts, and the only time that it's really "bad" to have the topic shift is when it's irrelevantly forced. This one came naturally.
Make sure the packaging hasn't been tampered with.
Chapo should buy it himself
He really should, but checking the package doesn't cost him anything, so he might actually bother.
yeah btw what about the original topic? I tried to bring something whesome and u use it to put down a fellow woman!!!
That OP was not wholesome. Or whesome.
yeah btw what about the original topic? I tried to bring something whesome and u use it to put down a fellow woman!!!
Suck my dick. I don't need this forums validation to do acts of kindness. Doing it for exposure and to make others see how 'kind' you are automatically makes it about you and not about how you were being kind. You don't need to try to show it off
Fuck you Alena. If I needed to show off a deed of giving some polish cleaning cunt 10 Euro for validation I would b pathetic. I'm in it for the kindness you dumb whore. Actually you would love to b a whore in it but no one wants to touch you