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If a baby is choking you must lay them flat, have someone hold them flat so that their body is parallel to the ground in a straight line like a plank. Their face facing the floor. 

and then you go under the baby and look into their throat opening their mouth with your hands and very carefully and quickly stick two fingers into their throat, below the tonsil region would be. And make a quick scooping out motion like you are trying to make a hook shape with your two fingers curving them. And scooping out sand. Twist the wrist a bit and try different angles of the scooping motion and then go deeper if it is not in the first 2 inches of the throat. 

while you are doing this you have someone keep patting their back with a decent amount of force consistently. 

sometimes it will come out this way naturally but sometimes something is stuck and it is difficult to get out 


I never thought I would need this knowledge but one day I was just shopping in a mall and I saw a baby just acting kind of strange and the mother was freaking out saying she thought her baby was choking. People could not see anything in the baby’s throat so whil they were debating if the baby was choking or not I just assumed with limited time it’s better to assume they are and go through the procedure 


I saw nothing but went in blind and just did the scooping motions continually and eventually a small clear slime uh sticker came out up out of the throat with my two fingers. 

And then I held it out and said, “it was a clear sticker” the patting on the back motion wouldn’t work well in this instance because the nature of the sticker was causing it to stick to the side walls of the esophagus. 


You can’t always see the object they are choking on. But it’s safer to assume there is one than to debate if there is one. 

The sticker for reference was, one of those small round stickers you see on clothes labeling their size. Clear one. 

baby was in stroller and just reached out and grabbed one by accident and then put hands in mouth sticker wound up in throat. 

it happens that easily folks. 

You only have 1-2 minutes to receive paramedic help with a totally blocked air way before you start risking brain damage and eventually death so you must act very quickly and cannot wait for help you have to do it yourself even if you are uncomfortable with doing so and don’t know how

last edit on 11/23/2020 4:38:21 AM
Posts: 9511
0 votes RE: Life tips & life hacks

If you have horrible gas you can go up side down and the gas will leave you quicker 


or you can lay flat on your stomach on a hard floor and this helps also but you must lay there for quite a while 


this is just something I’ve learned from dealing with being lactose intolerant 


the problem is that your body creates and excess of gas in reaction to the lactose and that causes the stomach pain 


so the quicker you can rid yourself of the excess build up the faster it goes away. 

i know it’s disgusting but it’s the least painful way to deal with it 


it still hurts but it’s less suffering and length of suffering than it would be normally. So yeah just do a fetal position and stick your butt up in the air and your face down in the pillow of your bed 


Down ward dog I think is the position 



also Pepto bismol is a good investment if you struggle with food allergies and they make you nauseas or have pain or excessive bloating to the point you feel like you will explode 

for me I am gluten and dairy intolerant so when I eat a pizza for example it is like ww3 is happening in my stomach and with a standard recommended dose of pepto bismol the bloating the gas and pain and the extreme nausea go away within 30 minutes 

last edit on 11/23/2020 4:44:54 AM
Posts: 9511
0 votes RE: Life tips & life hacks

To survive nuclear fall out after a blast (assuming you lived somehow via underground bunker, you have iodine and gas masks with unlimited filtration and water and gas lol) 


you must go north 


That is why if there is the threat of nuclear war you should head north before the blast not after 


the fall out will occur most in the Southern Hemisphere and the highest altitudes and the most northern part of the globe will be radiation free 


it is ideal to get as high as possible get to high ground immediately, avoid valleys as that is where it coagulated the worst. 

a mountain is good or a northern country like Greenland or South Dakota. 


but what is ideal is the Arctic circle surrounding the North Pole 


there is a communications system here that is designed so that military personnel can communicate if the entire world goes dark and WiFi connection is not possible 


it is called NORAD. And this is where the people who know how to survive will be in groups as they have already planned for this sort of thing 


some People have the devices to tap into this point to point communication system from around the globe but they are military. So if you want to survive you need to find someone with this device by asking around “I am looking for norad” or “I want to get to norad” 


there is also a specific round up location for us military if all goes to absolute shit in south dokata which I can’t say the name of but if the world goes dark go to south dokata 


there will be the most survivors there with most capability to endure the conditions. 


You’ll find them

last edit on 11/23/2020 5:01:06 AM
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