If a baby is choking you must lay them flat, have someone hold them flat so that their body is parallel to the ground in a straight line like a plank. Their face facing the floor.
and then you go under the baby and look into their throat opening their mouth with your hands and very carefully and quickly stick two fingers into their throat, below the tonsil region would be. And make a quick scooping out motion like you are trying to make a hook shape with your two fingers curving them. And scooping out sand. Twist the wrist a bit and try different angles of the scooping motion and then go deeper if it is not in the first 2 inches of the throat.
while you are doing this you have someone keep patting their back with a decent amount of force consistently.
sometimes it will come out this way naturally but sometimes something is stuck and it is difficult to get out
I never thought I would need this knowledge but one day I was just shopping in a mall and I saw a baby just acting kind of strange and the mother was freaking out saying she thought her baby was choking. People could not see anything in the baby’s throat so whil they were debating if the baby was choking or not I just assumed with limited time it’s better to assume they are and go through the procedure
I saw nothing but went in blind and just did the scooping motions continually and eventually a small clear slime uh sticker came out up out of the throat with my two fingers.
And then I held it out and said, “it was a clear sticker” the patting on the back motion wouldn’t work well in this instance because the nature of the sticker was causing it to stick to the side walls of the esophagus.
You can’t always see the object they are choking on. But it’s safer to assume there is one than to debate if there is one.
The sticker for reference was, one of those small round stickers you see on clothes labeling their size. Clear one.
baby was in stroller and just reached out and grabbed one by accident and then put hands in mouth sticker wound up in throat.
it happens that easily folks.
You only have 1-2 minutes to receive paramedic help with a totally blocked air way before you start risking brain damage and eventually death so you must act very quickly and cannot wait for help you have to do it yourself even if you are uncomfortable with doing so and don’t know how