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0 votes RE: Atheists
Kestrel said: 
Kestrel said: 

Atheist strike me as not only ignorant but arrogant, that there is "nothing" because of our small understanding of this existence. I've also noted from personal experience atheist tend to be self-absorbed in this concept as it plays a central theme in their life.

I'd say every perspective yields that, just replace "nothing" with whatever their bender is about. 

It sounds more like you dislike Atheism because you think it's arrogant enough to think it knows something at all (spoiler alert: that's most if not arguably all faiths).

You do a spoiler alert, just to rephrase my own words. I've addressed the implied arrogance of faith already. And yes it strikes me as very arrogant to think you have even an accurate opinion on the creation of existence itself. 

How zealous do you imagine most who practice faith are (including atheism as faith, even though for many it's marked by the belief that others make no sense)? A person can suppose that something works a certain way, figure that they have the most likely answer, without being as full of themselves as to say it could be no other way. 

Arrogance comes in all flavors, even Agnostic. I'm sure you've met your share of Agnostics that lord it over others how dumb they are for thinking that they know all the answers, which really translates to the Agnostic thinking that they know the answer by "knowing" it is unknowable. 

In the end it's the same ego expressions regardless, showing it's not about what faith is prescribed to, but rather what attitude they take with it. 

There are Atheists who are essentially waiting for that moment when something can prove it wrong, who instead of presuming "to know", they'd presume "to guess" until shown otherwise as their understanding of an Occam's Razor perspective. 

You will always have members of every group that are tiptoeing onto another.

How is an Atheist that isn't full of itself tiptoeing into other groups? This isn't even what I explained above. 

I am addressing the points the title they identify with represents.

Which are what, stuff like how it's a "gateway to Nihilism" (and Depression)? 

The Nihilism tends to precede the Atheism. Even former religious sorts converting to Atheism tend to be in the bouts of a Nihilistic spiral ("What's the point of _____ if _____ isn't the case?") before swapping labels. Personally I'd attribute most of that to a culture backlash more so than atheism itself. 

You ought to be attacking whatever's making for the Nihilism instead of the Atheism, as while Atheism is itself often a symptom of Nihilism, Nihilism is usually a symptom of something more psychological in nature. 

Nihilism and depression are central themes in all 5 I have known well.
Should something not be believed simply because it's "depressing and nihilistic" to them? Who's to say them being depressing and nihilistic wasn't how they found atheism instead of the other way around? If it's the actual case as well, since to one it certainly feels real anyway, what kind of person would then turn away from the truth as they know it simply because it's too painful to handle? 

Also while Atheism is a gateway to Nihilism, the two handle pretty different areas (religion and philosophy respectively). A Nihilist for instance could still believe in God and simply recognize no value or purpose in Him. While a happy nihilist is rarer and generally less authentic, happy atheists aren't as difficult to come by. 

Nihilism is largely regarded as poisonous for it having no real drive or zeal behind it, but Atheism can be quite motivated and think life has purpose without it having to come from something external (Penn Jillette, Ricky Gervais, etc), and the ego arrogance I'd say has equal room to be present in all walks of life, demotivating or not. 

There is a very strong theme with nihilism and depression, and a very strong correlation from atheism to nihilism. 
A past expression of Nihilism tends to lead to Atheism, but that does not make Atheism inherently Nihilistic, that makes Atheism Counter-Culture in relation to Western Living.

The implication that a person needs God(s) and/or religion to not be depressed and nihilistic is a bit insane. A lot of what has you judging Atheists in this light are how loud the squeaky wheels are being as a backlash response towards a culture that once endorsed religion a little too strongly, and as time goes on those areligious fags will fade into obscurity in favor of a more neutral variant that didn't have to think about it as much.

Nihilism in most cases isn't a painful truth to handle, it is the easy way out. Literally an excuse to not care, not to work or to aspire because nothing matters. 
How is accepting that nothing means anything an easy answer!?

You'd probably kill yourself if everything felt meaningless to you, judging how often you go on about zeal and purpose and junk. I think your distaste towards "Nothing Means Anything" more so comes from how strongly it contrasts the themes of your goals and ideals. You'd be halfway into throwing yourself into some sort of epic war more so for the adrenal zeal of it than anything else, which is the polar opposite of someone who instead recognizes a purposelessness in everything.

Dude, within Nihilism, there is accepting not just that nothing means anything, but also that you, the follower of Nihilism, are just as meaningless. How is accepting one's own meaninglessness supposed to be an easy task when we, by human nature, are supposed to be seeing ourselves as the centers of our own universes? 

You've been around here long enough, you've seen how much the "I don't care" and the "I don't feel anything" types actually do care/feel. The fact that they have to narrate how much they don't care tends to be a reveal of the opposite. It likely isn't an easy thing for them to face as much as their public face might not be flinching, otherwise why would Nihilists even seem so depressed (if we're ignoring the Anti-Nihilist trope anyway)

There is a reason it's correlated to overweight basement dwellers, psuedo-intellectuals as well as the socially inept because it gives them a favorable outlook on life. Why change your life when nothing matters?
Chicken and the Egg my dude. The Nihilism and Depression is likely what contributed towards that behavior, but you're implying that not having a religious figure in your life, or at least the potential for one, will lead to becoming a basement dweller, which is frankly kinda nuts. This is more about their zeal, their zest for life, than faith, as there's plenty of successful business atheists out there (go figure they'd spend less time online than their squeaky wheel counterparts though). 

Also calling something you don't understand "pseudo-intellectual" isn't really too good when it comes to broadening your own horizons. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 6/26/2019 7:26:49 PM
Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: Atheists


Kestrel said:
It's also an odd stance because it's a baseline belief when most individuals understand it and take the extra step to search out a passion or a principle(s) to live by.

What's the point of doing that though other than personal fulfillment? 

Thinking family emphasis is about reproduction shows how many colors you are missing from your perspective. Family values and ethics, very little to do with having children.

Actually, most expressions related to going "the family way" tends to be related to having or otherwise raising children... 

So what are these "Family Values and Ethics" then? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Atheists

You've registered what I wrote incorrectly TC, and as usual you claim I said things i didn't, and you say things like "You make it sound as if" while going in a direction that forces irrelevant words in my mouth while cutting paragraphs.

Okay, since you can't seem to follow what's being said and need the help, lets shrink it down to just the main questions: 

I did read your paper. It's just too much work work while it spirals into nonsensical banter. Because you're skipping the small talk I'll respond.


1) How does Function denote Purpose? (asked this one three times) 

This is like asking what are legs for, as they do have a function and a purpose.

When the heart stops, it fulfilled its purpose. This goes for every functioning part of the body you call you, it all has a function. A prosthetic limb's purpose is to enable the beholder as it has a function, so to with a biological limb.

You know what each system does, and they are very dedicated. I don't know if I can convey to you how every body part that makes you up, has a purpose. I really don't think I can. 


2) Why should "The Creator" matter (beyond fear of punishment)? 

If the creator is indeed the creator, than the creator is key to all things that matter to you. And let's not all of a sudden say nothing matters while you eat and drink and indulge in your environment.


3) Aren't most people stuck with referencing life through their own prior understandings? 

Far from scientific. If you have masses of people with their own understanding, then we'll have a mass delusion on our hands.

In reality, it isn't so. People know good from bad, what's right and wrong. A criminal knows he is a criminal, hence the reason they remain covert even when they think it's okay to steal from someone because they have a lot.


Not trying to offend but you're unable to understand, that's why I don't get into it with you.

You don't get into it with me (anymore) because you're lazy and feel as if I'm not an easy person to convert. 

You don't have the same fire that you used to. 

 Dude. Last time I had to break my response in two because it was exceeding 10000 characters. 

Also it's been 7 years. You can call it lazy all you want, but when asked I would say the same thing I've told you then along the same things I told you just yesterday.

And look at that what you just said... Like "I just gave you a reason" why I don't get into it with you, then you come back with a different reason as to why I don't. Why should I keep up with writing to someone who doesn't consider what I say ? 

Finally, I don't try to convert people. If the creator is indeed selective, he won't favor blind faith, or those who are programmed by religion without their own research or trying to find the creator.

What I do is share my reasoning as to why I can see there is a creator, and though you don't choose to digest it, I'm making perfect sense. 

Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: Atheists

You've registered what I wrote incorrectly TC, and as usual you claim I said things i didn't, and you say things like "You make it sound as if" while going in a direction that forces irrelevant words in my mouth while cutting paragraphs.

Okay, since you can't seem to follow what's being said and need the help, lets shrink it down to just the main questions: 

I did read your paper.

You say statements like this, but back in the days of Nabble "papers" used to be the norm for you. 

What changed? 

It's just too much work work while it spirals into nonsensical banter.

What makes it nonsense? 

I'd argue that as long as there is a system of seeming logic behind it, a basis that led to those conclusions, that it's worth the discussion for the sake of mentally exercising everyone involved. These ideas of mine did not come from nothing, and while it is easy for the layman to "accept" that your perspective has no basis, I'm choosing to look past your laziness and see that your idea of how life works comes from a cascading series of ideas that relate to a history of varying degrees of legitimate research. 

If time was spent forming your perspective, I wanna hear about it, because the time that was spent on it denotes it's importance to me. 


1) How does Function denote Purpose? (asked this one three times) 

This is like asking what are legs for, as they do have a function and a purpose.

As much as addressing this portion seems like it'd work against me through the "common sense" clause, I'll address it anyway. 

Legs denote function in that they help us and many others walk, but that, to me at least, does not denote purpose beyond survival. All it really tells us is that this mutation, from the history of mutations it spawned from, happened to survive the conditions it's environment has put upon it. Legs for a bird for instance serve a very different purpose than it might for most land-dwelling animals. 

There's tons of ways to accomplish transportation, but the function of that does not denote purpose, merely the longevity of it's functionality. 

When the heart stops, it fulfilled its purpose. This goes for every functioning part of the body you call you, it all has a function. A prosthetic limb's purpose is to enable the beholder as it has a function, so to with a biological limb. 

The fact that life can exist without the beat of a heart shows that the heart is but one means of accomplishing the same goal (life). 

This does not denote the purpose of the heart, simply it's function. What is the heart really doing across the grand scheme of existence? Who knows. What is the heart doing for those who carry it? A lot, or else they'd be dead. This does not show us a divine being that has intelligently designed us to work this way, this shows that, through a filtration process, that this is what had the higher likelihood of surviving. 

2) Why should "The Creator" matter (beyond fear of punishment)? 

If the creator is indeed the creator, than the creator is key to all things that matter to you.

No, that'd just make it the root to it. 

For example, despite how tomato sauce is in pizza,I don't have to love tomatoes to love pizza. Something (x) being what leads to something else (y) doesn't mean I need to love said something (x). 

And let's not all of a sudden say nothing matters while you eat and drink and indulge in your environment.

What makes those urges matter? 

3) Aren't most people stuck with referencing life through their own prior understandings? 

Far from scientific. If you have masses of people with their own understanding, then we'll have a mass delusion on our hands. 

You must have such high opinions of the current circumstances perpetuated through internet subculturalism then. 

I think these "mass delusions" prove how much that the models followed before them were no different. 

In reality, it isn't so. People know good from bad, what's right and wrong.

Based on what, though? 

Just because an entire species carries instinctual hints of a perspective does not lend that perspective more legitimacy beyond sociological bounds. 

A criminal knows he is a criminal, hence the reason they remain covert even when they think it's okay to steal from someone because they have a lot. 

This is it's own can of worms. 

I'm willing to discuss it, but as a tangent it'd be quite large. If you actually feel like talking about it instead of being defeatist about how much of a degenerate I am, I'll go at length about it for both of our benefits. 

Not trying to offend but you're unable to understand, that's why I don't get into it with you.

You don't get into it with me (anymore) because you're lazy and feel as if I'm not an easy person to convert. 

You don't have the same fire that you used to. 

 Dude. Last time I had to break my response in two because it was exceeding 10000 characters. 

You were more willing to do this in your history, what has happened to you now that you'd instead complain about someone willing to put in the effort? 

And look at that what you just said... Like "I just gave you a reason" why I don't get into it with you, then you come back with a different reason as to why I don't.

Do you just expect everyone to immediately understand what you're trying to convey? 

Shit man, a lot of my struggle and why I try so hard to communicate with people is because of how every person has different needs to accomplish successful communication. 

Why should I keep up with writing to someone who doesn't consider what I say ? 

I consider it, but I consider myself more than you. This doesn't mean you aren't accounted for, but what person in their right mind would consider another above themselves? 

Finally, I don't try to convert people.

You used to try to appeal to people, but I think all these years have rendered you tired. 

If the creator is indeed selective, he won't favor blind faith, or those who are programmed by religion without their own research or trying to find the creator. 

Based. On. What? 

This idea appeals to you, but who's to say that The-One-True-God doesn't send people to whatever Heaven is real based on their hair color

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 6/27/2019 1:26:20 AM
Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: Atheists
Spatial Mind said:
What I do is share my reasoning as to why I can see there is a creator, and though you don't choose to digest it, I'm making perfect sense. 

If you knew how often I defended your right to having an opinion to other people, you'd probably be baffled. 

Your opinions took time to form, and that solely is why I respect them. I don't claim to know everything, but I do respect people who put the time into it more than those who are lazy. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 6/27/2019 1:26:34 AM
Posts: 2894
0 votes RE: Atheists
Cawk said: 
Good said: 
Cawk said: 
Good said: 

Theres a lot more questions scientists cant answer, why chose those specifically?

i didnt watch them all tho, its boring after having seen 1000ts of videos like this one


Actually some of those scientists can answer, but none of those can be answered without science.

Including number 10, so theists can't answer it either.

"God created it/made it that way." is an answer to everything.

It is not an answer that can be explained. It is irrelevant. You can replace God with anything. Answers like these are spam and ignored.

It is an answer semantically, not practically or technically.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 2894
0 votes RE: Atheists

Including number 10, so theists can't answer it either.

+ If you say that theists can answer it, because they believe in it, so they say god exists, then atheists can also answer it and say god doesn't exist, because they don't believe in it.

But through their faith they claim to be able to be contacted through dreams and loose symbology. 

Atheists can't contact the nothingness, or if they can they won't likely ever get a meaningful reply that isn't just silence. 

They can't, because it doesn't exist, so id say its in their favor.

Only the pretentious agnostics that also claim to not be atheists can't. See you either believe in god, or you do not, its a belief, not a question. If you are agnostic and you believe in god, then you are not agnostic, therefor you must not believe in god to be agnostic and if you do not believe in god, then you are an atheist as well as an agnostic.

What if someone believes in "A Force", or some other concept that isn't specifically God? 

A god is a force, its just semantics. You can have many gods too. As long as the force is supernatural and scientifically unexplained.


Cheery bye!
Posts: 2894
0 votes RE: Atheists
Kestrel said: 

Kuffar, all of you

Out of agnosticism, atheism and having a set faith I find atheism to be the worst of the three.

At least with agnosticism and faith you recognize on a certain level you don't hold the answers to existence. And although faith reaches too far for me, to assume the understanding of existence is held to god(s) at least they recognize themselves and their understanding as beneath something.

Atheist strike me as not only ignorant but arrogant, that there is nothing because of our small understanding of this existence. I've also noted from personal experience atheist tend to be self-absorbed in this concept as it plays a central theme in their life. Nihilism and depression are central themes in all 5 I have known well. While my friends with faith are moral upstanding people, with long term goals, heavy family emphasis and happy with their lives

Summary: Chad Hopeful Agnostics > Faith > Virgin Atheism

Don't forget that all agnostics are atheists.


Cheery bye!
Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: Atheists


Good said: 

Only the pretentious agnostics that also claim to not be atheists can't. See you either believe in god, or you do not, its a belief, not a question. If you are agnostic and you believe in god, then you are not agnostic, therefor you must not believe in god to be agnostic and if you do not believe in god, then you are an atheist as well as an agnostic.

What if someone believes in "A Force", or some other concept that isn't specifically God? 

A god is a force, its just semantics. You can have many gods too. As long as the force is supernatural and scientifically unexplained.

"Just semantics" have started wars, they take this shit really seriously. Otherwise "a force" is closer to what deities wield typically as opposed to what they are (the difference between one being The Sun and another being it's keeper or creator for instance). 

Why does personifying existing forces make more sense to do than personifying nonexistent ones? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 738
0 votes RE: Atheists
Good said: 
Cawk said: 
Good said: 
Cawk said: 
Good said: 

Theres a lot more questions scientists cant answer, why chose those specifically?

i didnt watch them all tho, its boring after having seen 1000ts of videos like this one


Actually some of those scientists can answer, but none of those can be answered without science.

Including number 10, so theists can't answer it either.

"God created it/made it that way." is an answer to everything.

It is not an answer that can be explained. It is irrelevant. You can replace God with anything. Answers like these are spam and ignored.

It is an answer semantically, not practically or technically.

 it is a practical and technical answer when all others have been eliminated

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