You think the country needs a return to traditional Christian values?
That probably beats nihilistic materialism.
I agree anything could be better than this in some sense but I don't think we can return to 'traditional Christian values'.
I actually think things are going pretty well, considering this is a transitional point as opposed to a direct highlight.
I'm not so sure, on a multitude of metrics we certainly can say that's true but simultaneously through our success we've become more and more a danger to ourselves.
I agree this is a transitional phase but I cannot say more than that as the nature of this stage is to be filled with illusionary forms as we attempt to create stable new ones.
I don't even know what the phrase means when people utter it, plus we must remember that with nihilistic materialism comes the ultimate potential where one can forge their own identity in a organic way - the power of this cannot be overstated.
I think I'm a fan of Nihilistic Materialism, just not to the point of Hedonism, and I'd argue we aren't far enough into it yet and could afford to go further.
I think we will go further as to how much I am not sure.
I am seeing hints of its ending but at the same time it feels like we will die with it.
Their claims of it being "Nihilism" are purely over the loss of traditional masculinity, over the biological imperative losing it's necessity as women become seen as the gatekeepers of pleasure towards a bunch of traditionalist fuckwits who think everything wrong with their lives is "Society", and that they'd be some great warrior if the world were either apocalyptic or historical.
I agree with this and the statement you make below pertaining to individuals being angry over being pahsed out.
There is no stopping this change and as such trying to is a waste of time.
To grip on to the paste in the way many our is to embrace weakness as what they are attempting to hold on and bring back has already has its potentiality exhausted through actualization. You cannot organize these dead signifiers back into those old forms and hope for them to hold the same weight, they never will.
The only time Nihilism ceases is when we're thrown into an environment where we don't have the time or placement to overthink our predicament.
I will have to think about this, I am not so sure about the relation between stability and nihilism.
Of course forging a new identity and values as a possibility is debatable, I'm not convinced we can do it.
I think we are, and people are already showing heavy-handed signs of witnessing the shifts.
The right is freaking out this much because they're being phased out.
I am starting to see signs as well but I'm still not ultimately convinced as it remine me of what occurred in the 20th century with the rise of ideology and new age occultism which imo failed.