It'd be something else if the mail-in ballots give Trump an unexpected edge.
If they do or not Trump will still battle the ballots that are being counted after the deadline.
I mean he figures that, no matter what, if he doesn't win then it must be fraud. He expressed the same at the end of the 2016 election right before he won, planning for TrumpTV as his consolation prize to ignore the shame of losing after someone gave him a scare about Russia and China's room to rig our votes (yet Trump chose to cancel the voter fraud investigation after he won, convenient). If he loses initially, then a recount is necisarry to undo the corruption, while if he wins then he'll insist instead that they don't do a recount so that the left won't "steal it".
Like a classic narc, he's framed it where it's only corruption if he loses, regardless of how it happens. It's using convenient narratives to defend against the potential ego damages, even if said narratives have the room to sweep him towards places he didn't prepare for later.Mail in voters were told the deadline to send their ballots, those who followed suit had their mail in ballots counted. That's how it's always been.
There's been reports of Trump supporter printing companies running out of mail-in ballots from having not thought to print enough, and there's all sorts of other rigmarole being thrown forward to slow down if not stop people.
Having more time's better in the long run, it means we can be more thorough.
This is getting exciting. I checked the most recent count (6:47 pm our time.)
By that count, all Biden needs to win is for Nevada to stay blue *fingers crossed*