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0 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone

i dont think it will escalate enough to matter

Cheery bye!
Posts: 894
0 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone

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The US launched a cyber-attack on Iranian weapons systems on Thursday as President Trump pulled out of air strikes on the country, US reports say.

The cyber-attack disabled computer systems controlling rocket and missile launchers, the Washington Post said.

It was in retaliation for the shooting down of a US drone as well as attacks on oil tankers that the US has blamed Iran for, the New York Times said.

The US has also imposed sanctions President Trump described as "major".

Posts: 248
1 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone
TPG said: 


do the majority of iranians feel this way?

 I don't think so, but I know there population has been growing since the 1960's so they have a large amount of young people who feel this way. The youth were behind making Iran more conservative in the 70's (because of the control of the US and Britain, who they felt were threatening their culture -> gharbzadegi). Now, the next gen wants to be more liberal because it is hard for them to travel, sometimes it is difficult to get food cause of sanctions, and in general they want Iran to be more like it was in the early 70's late 60's, when people were fashionable and drinking booze etc etc. look up photos of iran in the 70's and 60's and the people look identical to the US in a lot of cases
Posts: 833
0 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone

The American Media cover story was that it was mines that blew up the ship, the owner of said boat said it wasn't mines, it was a projectile, the videos of boats going over to damaged ship was iranians rescuing them, this is just the american war machine and it's media trying to appeal to it's people to justify a war goal against Iran. As for the drone, perfectly justified, America shouldn't have it's drone in Iranian Territory. Hand off Iran. This is standard procedure with US Imperialism. They did the same to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya. They failed their backed coup in Venezuela so they moved straight to Iran. If you genuinely think a nation like Iran wants to start a war with the US when it's surrounded by enemies and US military bases, then I suggest you try to use critical thinking.

Posts: 833
0 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone

This is literally the same thing with the alleged Assad Gas Attack, it's all propaganda to make America look like they are the good guys by invading other countries, and stealing their resources and creating failed states. 

Posts: 738
0 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone

This is literally the same thing with the alleged Assad Gas Attack, it's all propaganda to make America look like they are the good guys by invading other countries, and stealing their resources and creating failed states. 

 the assad gas attacks were different, the retaliation was most likely done in cooperation with the syrians i'd say

Posts: 833
0 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone
TPG said: 

This is literally the same thing with the alleged Assad Gas Attack, it's all propaganda to make America look like they are the good guys by invading other countries, and stealing their resources and creating failed states. 

 the assad gas attacks were different, the retaliation was most likely done in cooperation with the syrians i'd say

 I'm saying the western media will falsify events to make their targets of imperialism look bad. Assad did not gas his own people. If you look at the alleged photos of the bombs that were dropped, there is no way they could have gone through a concrete building and look in that condition. 

I have to go for now, I'll find the links to the documents by this one organization of engineers that state that the way the bombs got there had to have been placed rather than dropped. I think the documents are featured in the video I just posted. I'll try to respond later, have a nice rest of your day. 

Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone

I'm not a Trump fan, but he's definitely been managing the military aspect of foreign affairs well. The handling of North Korea and Iran has shown a restraint that's been lacking for some time in our leadership. If John Bolton had his way, we'd be in another war right now.

last edit on 6/26/2019 12:50:28 AM
Posts: 18
0 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone
TPG said: 

This is literally the same thing with the alleged Assad Gas Attack, it's all propaganda to make America look like they are the good guys by invading other countries, and stealing their resources and creating failed states. 

 the assad gas attacks were different, the retaliation was most likely done in cooperation with the syrians i'd say

 I'm saying the western media will falsify events to make their targets of imperialism look bad. Assad did not gas his own people. If you look at the alleged photos of the bombs that were dropped, there is no way they could have gone through a concrete building and look in that condition. 

I have to go for now, I'll find the links to the documents by this one organization of engineers that state that the way the bombs got there had to have been placed rather than dropped. I think the documents are featured in the video I just posted. I'll try to respond later, have a nice rest of your day. 


 I enjoyed this post. If Americans were imperialistic they would have a new state called New Iraq. I would like to see examples of American imperialism. I think the British hold the record for imperialism.



From the bottom of the food chain I rise up to conquer.
Posts: 833
0 votes RE: Iran shoots down US drone
Thumper said: 
TPG said: 

This is literally the same thing with the alleged Assad Gas Attack, it's all propaganda to make America look like they are the good guys by invading other countries, and stealing their resources and creating failed states. 

 the assad gas attacks were different, the retaliation was most likely done in cooperation with the syrians i'd say

 I'm saying the western media will falsify events to make their targets of imperialism look bad. Assad did not gas his own people. If you look at the alleged photos of the bombs that were dropped, there is no way they could have gone through a concrete building and look in that condition. 

I have to go for now, I'll find the links to the documents by this one organization of engineers that state that the way the bombs got there had to have been placed rather than dropped. I think the documents are featured in the video I just posted. I'll try to respond later, have a nice rest of your day. 


 I enjoyed this post. If Americans were imperialistic they would have a new state called New Iraq. I would like to see examples of American imperialism. I think the British hold the record for imperialism.



 Allow me to clarify, since I tend to use Lenin's definition of Imperialism which is extended from colonialism. In this sense, Imperialism is not just military takeover and the establishment of a puppet, but rather it also extends to the expansion of markets, and the exploitation of cheap labor and resources by multi-national corporations. In essence, the way I view America is an empire that must constantly expand it's markets and find cheap labor, as that is an inherent flaw with capitalism and it's tendency to overproduce, along with the falling rate of profit. 

What I'm saying is, invasion of libya, afghanistan, iraq and many other countries in the past have not been because WMDs or Human Rights Violations, but rather those are used as false propaganda to justify a war goal to allow America to invade and take a countries natural resources and cheap labor force. 

How else do you think social programs are afforded for? As for Europe and it's social programs, and participates with America, and actually the US Dollar still dominates the world, ever since the Bretton Woods agreement, which allowed America to become a super power really. 

It would also make sense because we are buddy buddy with the Saudis who give us oil, and thus helping them take out their competitors gives them a part of the share as well. 

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