A good heart that assumes everyone is a narcissist and that I am some troll because I don't wish to confess? What if you are a troll. I don't know you, nor anyone here deeply. What if I did tell you my regrets and the things I am shameful of and then you decided to mock me, or perhaps the people here who give their deep issues get mocked? If others followed what you wish for them to do, they'd be exposing themselves on this thread for the trolls to see and then harass. Confessions are meant to be private for a reason. Between the confessor and the priest. You could easily be a fake priest.
All you'd do is bring harm to anyone who genuinely wanted forgiveness.
I am not a priest. I'm just a priest on the Internet. Admittedly, I might want to be a priest in real life too.
If the confession of your sins is caught up in the opinions of others you don’t even know then I understand your problem. I will not laugh at your confessions, you will receive my word. Instead, I will give words of encouragement, after which your mind is good. A good mind makes good people, women and men both.
Besides, the confession of sins is liberating. All those sins that weigh on your heart can be released at once. What is bothering you about what others think about your sins? Do you think sinners deserve better. Not by any means. The fact that those sins weigh you so much that you don’t even want to tell them on an anonymous forum says pretty much.