Hmm should I watch the video before commenting or could I wing it
I legit cannot tell if this is satire.
It's not.
I don't believe you. I mean, I've seen some dumb shit in my life, but this..
Edit: Ok it looks like it's made by a comedian, and I just read the description:
`RADICAL CRAM SCHOOL is a kid-centric, unscripted web series created by comedian Kristina Wong that empowers Asian girls and all kids of color to embrace their identities, fight for social justice, and be the revolution.`
I think it's a satire.
The best knowledge isn't simple acquired, but tested against others so it can develop into other forms. This is stagnation incarnate, it'll be like what we see happening to multiple forms of popular media, but to people.
I'd also imagine a flimsy attachment to knowledge making it that much easier to get them to roll with misinformation. Even simply being intimately familiar with your own sources is better than a WikiPHD being construed as the norm.
We're pretty much having that issue already. I see this a ton on Twitter, where people exist in echo chambers. People follow others with the same opinion in the echo chamber. For example, I seen a video of a landlord surveying a house that a tenant tore up after an eviction notice. The house was ruined, cabinets tore from the wall, the whole 9 yards. The landlord ended up crying because he got blown out of an investment when he's got a family to feed. Top comment with 15.1K upvotes on the video?
"Hearing a landlord cry is honestly one of the most satisfying things I've ever heard"
Then on the guy's bio on his profile:
"(He/Him) anarcho-something. Both parties are conservative corporatists. The state is designed to protect capital and does so through a monopoly on violence"
It's not even just that I've entered Crazy Town; it's that all the residents are tribal and re-affirm each other. Any counter-evidence becomes useless when you can just Google someone who agrees with you. No depth required, just a bit of knowledge on how to search. And it seems for the overwhelming majority of people, that is sufficient.
Turncoat said:Education in general's taking some weird turns. Religious programming's being crammed pretty hard as well while people become otherwise more generally insulated.
I think if anything, religious programming is becoming less pronounced. Things like "under God" are being omitted from the Pledge of Allegiance in school. "In God We Trust" on our money is being contested. Schools teaching creationism are practically non-existent at this point (as they should be). With the budding culture of liberalism/multiculturalism, it's becoming less "appropriate" to double-down on the God talk. It might step on toes.
What I do think education has been doing differently, is it's been fostering more liberal values. When I was growing up, I learned in grade school about how Europeans wiped out the Native Americans. What they didn't tell us is was that:
1) Diseases introduced by Europeans killed most Native Americans, not war.
2) Native Americans were split into over 500 tribes which were constantly at war with each other. They killed more of each other than Europeans ever did; it just happens that Europeans won out in the end due to disease immunity, better technology, and more cohesiveness.
3) All land that has ever been obtained is usually obtained by conquest. Conquest is not inherently wrong, it's the pattern by which all peoples form borders.
4) Native American is a race, not a faction. That would be like simplifying Swedes and Polish into simply being "European."
But no, the textbooks were not about proper or objective perspective on history. They are tools to condition people to think and feel a certain way about society. The social justice mores are absolutely cranked at an all-time-high. I'm sure you can imagine how much our textbooks are about to change after this BLM shit. 5th grade history is about to become
Turncoat said:Add medications as the norm alongside your peers being a part of such a system and it's easy to see how in many ways it's already "too late". I mean... there's less risk of their thoughts going deviant directions if their environment doesn't cater to it... right?
On the plus side, this is promoting communication which is otherwise a more lacking quality in most educational structures. I got the impression that teachers generally didn't want my brand of participation until I reached college.
Also these kids clearly are not true Harry Potter fans, Dumbledore wasn't into women.
I don't know, man. I don't think we're having good communication. I think people are getting exhausted of trying.
I legit cannot tell if this is satire.
It's not.
I don't believe you. I mean, I've seen some dumb shit in my life, but this..
Edit: Ok it looks like it's made by a comedian, and I just read the description:
`RADICAL CRAM SCHOOL is a kid-centric, unscripted web series created by comedian Kristina Wong that empowers Asian girls and all kids of color to embrace their identities, fight for social justice, and be the revolution.`
I think it's a satire.
I dont think its a satire, she describes herself as a feminist comedian and features Japanese civil rights activists on this show, that is unless her public life is a satire too and the activists she brings on are being trolled.
The best knowledge isn't simple acquired, but tested against others so it can develop into other forms. This is stagnation incarnate, it'll be like what we see happening to multiple forms of popular media, but to people.
I'd also imagine a flimsy attachment to knowledge making it that much easier to get them to roll with misinformation. Even simply being intimately familiar with your own sources is better than a WikiPHD being construed as the norm.We're pretty much having that issue already. I see this a ton on Twitter, where people exist in echo chambers.
The difference now is that it can be done by choice, and the right information could potentially have someone drift in a new direction. We're in a "Free Marketplace of Information" model right now, but once it's streamlined into a chip that feeds us literal data without us even having to remember reading or watching it?
That's straight programming (imagine it being hacked to give different intel). People have the room right now to argue which lets the facts still mutate, but as was expressed in Ghost in the Shell 2nd Gig once it's being fed straight to your head, and the means of beaming it there is only handled by one group? It's conformist headcanon where they can call differing information "wrong" instead of "alternative" as an information-monopoly, one that makes historical records look less biased by comparison.
We need those gaps between the learning or the info is simply accepted. If kids have been able to get all their school answers as if through a hiveminded psychic link, they will behave as if a part of said hivemind. Where the internet's led to absurd amounts of subcultural divisions, this would have us return to something closer to 90s levels of groupthink, maybe even that of earlier decades like the 50s.
It's not even just that I've entered Crazy Town; it's that all the residents are tribal and re-affirm each other.
These are the same people who would have been too tired to do research at the library, instead slinging word of mouth from their clusters.
Any counter-evidence becomes useless when you can just Google someone who agrees with you. No depth required, just a bit of knowledge on how to search. And it seems for the overwhelming majority of people, that is sufficient.
It has use through it's sources. The real problem is over how much your peers care about source accuracy, which is really more of an academian point with a new packaging.
Basically, these same people not learning now would have been the same people not learning new things before. Thankfully they look for sources at all now, it's a step up from just accepting your own knowledge second-hand from some dude who read a random 'zine.
Turncoat said:Education in general's taking some weird turns. Religious programming's being crammed pretty hard as well while people become otherwise more generally insulated.I think if anything, religious programming is becoming less pronounced.
Where it isn't in school, it's increased threefold on the internet and they've dumbed it down pretty hard especially for "Creationism" media and shit on the dinosaurs.
They've clearly made it for parents looking for learning aids to educate their children "the right way", and that paired either with homeschooling or a particularly religious state or school institution (like religious private schools) can exemplify the damages.
What I do think education has been doing differently, is it's been fostering more liberal values.
It was more prevalent (and memeable) with college kids being "converted" by it, but it has begun to spread more into grade school through the usual passageway that concern groups use: "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!".
Left's the new Soccer Mom, while when we were growing up it was The Right. As such, counter-cultures such as the art-right have surfaced to balance the equation by adding a rebel factor.
The Maga hat is the modern gothic skull T-shirt.
When I was growing up, I learned in grade school about how Europeans wiped out the Native Americans. What they didn't tell us is was that:
. . .
Weird, my schools were a little too concerned with teaching the atrocities.
That was more so over the teachers than the learning materials though, and the further back you go the more hilarious the whitewashing in the texts are.
Concerned parents during when it was more topical to pity the natives made enough waves with their children to have the counter-information come up in classes, too. It doesn't just extend to them, either:
But no, the textbooks were not about proper or objective perspective on history. They are tools to condition people to think and feel a certain way about society. The social justice mores are absolutely cranked at an all-time-high. I'm sure you can imagine how much our textbooks are about to change after this BLM shit. 5th grade history is about to become
It's already been changing, and frankly it's been for the best. Even with a different spin thrown on it it's arguably closer to displaying atrocities so "they may never happen again" compared to before's model of "kids can't handle this crap".
Imagine if we handled The Holocaust more like how other historical traumas were written about for school.
Turncoat said:Add medications as the norm alongside your peers being a part of such a system and it's easy to see how in many ways it's already "too late". I mean... there's less risk of their thoughts going deviant directions if their environment doesn't cater to it.. right?
On the plus side, this is promoting communication which is otherwise a more lacking quality in most educational structures. I got the impression that teachers generally didn't want my brand of participation until I reached college.
Also these kids clearly are not true Harry Potter fans, Dumbledore wasn't into women.I don't know, man. I don't think we're having good communication. I think people are getting exhausted of trying.
They're exhausted of feeling unheard, which has nothing to do with their ability to communicate.
If anything, how easy it's become has raised the stakes for how much is considered good enough, especially when modeled off of Youtube Influencers and the like. Such a model makes it look like no one's listening to you without a notably high subscriber count, and as such the feelings of being silenced is more sensitive than ever.
Before you had to hit the streets with a picket sign as everyone ignored you, now you can just troll some dude's profile to get them to sperg out. They don't hate the lack of room to communicate they hate that those who'd communicate uncomfortable things have a platform now. They feel unheard if they aren't being agreed with, as "If they'd just listen to me, they'd get it" is a common "truth" rhetoric people cling to to not have to listen to others.
Perception's relative, we'll see the same complaints within new structures, but those who complain if given the older set of options would likely complain further (like old people who remember walking everywhere versus people yelling about traffic).
That was a lovely read.
Weird, my schools were a little too concerned with teaching the atrocities.
That was more so over the teachers than the learning materials though, and the further back you go the more hilarious the whitewashing in the texts are.
Concerned parents during when it was more topical to pity the natives made enough waves with their children to have the counter-information come up in classes, too. It doesn't just extend to them, either:
Lol that is so fucked.