...and it starts with child abuse.
I legit cannot tell if this is satire.
It's not.
I legit cannot tell if this is satire.
It's not.
So the Asians will be broken next.
Elon musk put neural link into a pig to see if it would be safe to put in humans. So soon we won’t really need school.
On a serious note, what a dystopian concept. We'd basically become a society of programmable home schoolers. It'd likely make people dumber than ever to be able to access knowledge with no real experience to attach to the knowledge itself, and less social skills from not having to clash with other minds.
The best knowledge isn't simple acquired, but tested against others so it can develop into other forms. This is stagnation incarnate, it'll be like what we see happening to multiple forms of popular media, but to people.
I'd also imagine a flimsy attachment to knowledge making it that much easier to get them to roll with misinformation. Even simply being intimately familiar with your own sources is better than a WikiPHD being construed as the norm.
I legit cannot tell if this is satire.
It's not.
Education in general's taking some weird turns. Religious programming's being crammed pretty hard as well while people become otherwise more generally insulated. Add medications as the norm alongside your peers being a part of such a system and it's easy to see how in many ways it's already "too late". I mean... there's less risk of their thoughts going deviant directions if their environment doesn't cater to it... right?
On the plus side, this is promoting communication which is otherwise a more lacking quality in most educational structures. I got the impression that teachers generally didn't want my brand of participation until I reached college.
Also these kids clearly are not true Harry Potter fans, Dumbledore wasn't into women.