Luna was 16 years old when Jim started posting child porn on her site. That is when Turncoat turned on her, and started attacking her because he didn't think that a 16 year old was doing enough work to solve the problem of CP on her website.
Here we are almost a decade later. TC and Jim are now friends.
Look at the series of events:
Luna has 0 moderators and wants none
People spam, so Luna points a single person Moderator. That person claims he only accepted mod becasue he didn't want anyone else to have it.
Jim spams Child Porn on Luna's website
Turncoat turns on Luna, berating her for being lazy and not doing enough to combat Jim's CP
After that point it was a war between Luna and Turncoat + the Child Porn posters.
Turncoat turned on Luna when she was vulnerable, giving the Child Porn posters momentum
Luna Demoded Turncoat
Turncoat attacked SC determined to ruin it for having his power and influence taken away
Luna appointed other mods all of whom refused to deal with the Child Porn posters
Luna gave up trying to find good mods, and deleted SC
Meta creates his version of SC, and appoints TC along with 5 other people to moderator position.
Turncoat accepts to be 1 among a handful of mods
In the end it's Child Porn that killed SC, and Turncoat as well as all of Luna's mods refusing to support her that killed Luna's spirit.
What did Luna want for SC? She wanted to create a community without moderators, governed by the users. But her plans were side tracked by child porn attacks, and drama with mods.
With Luna gone, all the child porn attacks are gone. All the drama with mods are gone, along with the soul of SC. SC is at the end of it's history.