going to be staying in a residential home and doing IOP until my love has our room set up
going to continue IOP for a while tho probably I sure af need it
For what, Ketamine?
What happened that got you into a program?
I was at a point of either killing myself or needing to end the constant emotional pain and depression I was in
What happened that got you into a program?
I was at a point of either killing myself or needing to end the constant emotional pain and depression I was in
What've their solutions been for it?
IOP, but the real reason Im doing better is my boyfriend. healthy relationships are extremely therapeutic for borderline pds and most of my psych issues stem from self-harm and self-sabotage, the two things that my relationship with him is healing in me in major ways
Do you have any strategies in mind for if you end up going through transference again?
You have that tendency to swap between worship and revulsion when it comes to your mates based on your mood swings, and to be honest your worship times concern me just as much as when you cast them out as demons. I fear that this binary makes it that much harder to just neutrally chill with someone you love, to just see them as a person instead of like chasing them like a drug that can talk back to you. If you can see them as a person, then their room to disappoint you will trigger you less, while if you see them as unable to make mistakes then their mistakes will scream at you that much louder.
You're at the core of your relationships for where they end up going, and how prone you are to externalizing has you push others away while casting the mistakes onto them until you find yourself alone again. Perhaps you just need a partner that knows how to give you space during such times, and also knows when to suggest it?