Watching someone you care for destroy their life over alcohol is tough. But, did you know a lot of the things you might be doing to "help" could make the problem worse? If you’re wondering how to help an alcoholic, here are 5 things you should never do under any circumstances.
What Not to Do to An Alcoholic
Many people who have an alcoholic in their life believe in the “tough love” approach. They think being hard on the person will make them see the error of their ways. Let’s take a look at why this is not helpful.
- Don’t Nag
Constantly nagging or lecturing an alcoholic doesn’t help them. While you might mean well, if you make them feel miserable and pressured, it will only have the opposite effect. They may begin to drink even more often so that they feel better when they’re around you. - Don’t Belittle
Dealing with an alcoholic can leave you feeling frustrated and disgusted. However, you should avoid the tendency to take those feelings out on the person by belittling them. Making them feel worthless will only add to the sense of shame they likely already feel. And guess what? They will try to bury that shame with alcohol so you may be killing them faster. - Don’t Threaten
Threatening someone will not help them to recover. If an alcoholic stops drinking for a time, say a few days, simply because you threaten them, the progress won’t last. Fear of being threatened is not healing; it’s damaging. Alcoholics will generally drown those fears by going back to the bottle for comfort. There is evidence to support this claim everywhere. This not how to help an alcoholic. - Don’t Control
Resist the urge to be controlling. You can’t control another person’s actions, only they can. Trying to manage a person’s drinking by counting how many drinks they have, watching over them, or hiding their alcohol, will backfire. This behavior will make them feel trapped, leading to them drinking in secret rather than in front of you. - Don’t Enable
Being an enabler is a mistaken kindness. If you’re always bailing out an alcoholic by buying their drinks, giving them rides home from clubs, paying drunk driving tickets, sending them money, making excuses for missed workdays, and so on, you are keeping them from facing the consequences of their drinking problem. This can cause them to live in a fantasy that everything is fine when it’s not.
Alcoholism is a harrowing addiction for both the alcoholic and those who are around them. The best way to help an alcoholic, though, is not through nagging, belittling, threatening, controlling, or enabling. If someone you care about has a problem with alcohol abuse, talk it out rationally together in a safe environment. Then, get them help (if they are willing) from a professional who can put them on the road to recovery.
If you would like more information on how to help an alcoholic, please contact us at our toll-free number today.
Behavioral Rehabilitation Services
355 W Mannsiding Rd, Harrison, MI 48625
Phone: 1(877) 474-7112