so many autists think this guy is funny and love him cuz they can relate to his cringy behavior
He makes failure look acceptable to those who see him as a role model.
what does sam hyde actually do for a living?
Comedy and crypto.
Tryp can u post the episode where he is in this dark ass basement that looks unfinished
that one was the most chaotic and disturbing
i think he also broke a bunch of glass in that one if that helps u remember which one it was to find it
it was a brown cabinet with glass in the center, and he slammed his fist through it or something
i dont think it was even his house, someone in the background was telling him to stop but he didnt lol
what does sam hyde actually do for a living?
I think about this often
Sam Hyde's former love life is pretty checkered too, a lot about this dude raises a lot of questions.
I mean FFS he's even been on the news, and somehow he keeps getting away with it.
Ive actually had encounters with ppl like this
and second of all
when they harass you, in reality no one stops it. You’re lucky if they even look, and he drags you to his car and tries to force u in it, and when u try to runaway he tries to run you over
yes this actually happened
ive had varying degrees of encounters- from being yelled at for refusing to go on a date to chic-fil-a with a random guy who i did not even know- to, a man jumping up on a counter in a bar and screaming something about me being a bitch for turning him down when he asked me to come to his house- to, a guy holding a knife to my neck and then proceeding to choke me because he felt like when i said i loved him it didn’t sound sincere enough, and slamming my head in a car door because i wouldn’t stop laughing at the fact he couldn’t figure out how to drive a stick shift.
There’s all this talk abotu women being “crazy” but, men are crazy too