I understand you guys enjoy hatred, and that’s okay, that’s your thing. You want to pick me apart anyway you can, you can do that. I can’t stop you from doing that. I can’t, make people be understanding of me and I’m not entitled to that. Everyone can have their own opinion of me, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily right.
I just, I do feel sort of misunderstood a lot in my regular life, and I have a hard time communicating or expressing, who I really am on the inside- on the outside, for some reason. I just appear kind of “blank” and that’s, where the username derived from mainly-
It also derived from a total sense of like, complete dislocation from ones identity. At one time I genuinely felt like I had forgotten who I was. Not in the sense where, you remember backwards- oh yeah, I was that person but now I’m not- but more like, whatever I was, was comp[letely blacked out. And I couldn’t like, access that or remember it. I couldn’t remember like, the meaning of my own name, and I know that sounds crazy but, it’s just, that’s just complex ptsd. I couldn’t even recognize myself in the mirror.
Like when you think of yourself, your identity, you know things abotu yourself, you have a concrete sense of who you are, you know your dispositions, you know what you enjoy, you hear your own thoughts and they are *yours*. For me, everything felt, empty. In that area. And there was no association, of my name with- an identity. It was just, a name. And, everything I operated by and thought by, felt like, just a script I was following, mandated by, some objective view of what I was *supposed* to be doing. In life.
I came to an age though where it was no longer important or necessary for survival for me to “follow orders” and to “turn off my sense of identity” (from a traumatic childhood) and I was young, more independent, and in a place where I was truly safe and, free- for the first time in my life. I had wanted this emancipation since as early as I can remember. I tried to run away when I was only four years old, when I was ten I asked for anything with wheels so I could get away as far as I could, and I dreamt of starting a new life for myself- away from here.
I’m not saying my parents were evil, they just didn’t understand that what they were doing wasn’t right. They even admit now that they feel like, they fucked up in a lot of ways, and made mistakes. I don’t think they grasp the depth of the damage they caused and all the ways it affected me psychologically and emotionally, but they can see the plain result of what happened to me (mental hopsitalization, mental breakdowns) and they started to put it together that they may of made some mistakes a long the way. They’ve just never admitted, specifics.
But I remember the specifics now, and with time, in my time of freedom, the memory of who I was and memory of trauma started coming back and being less completely dislocated from me (I had forgotten all of it) and, it was also a time where it was important, to understand who I was.
I remember like, feeling like I needed to figure that out- but, I couldn’t. So I took to paper to, sort of find my way with it and do some introspection and, let myself talk, and be opinionated, and not think about, what other people think and, how I *should* be, or how I would be judged but instead- just, let myself, be myself. SC was my place to do that where I felt safe and comfortable doing that- but, not alone as well.
I needed to figure out who I was because I was in a career path choosing time, and I had goals and things but I didn’t know what was really right for me, fit wise. And I didn’t really love myself, because, how can you when you don’t even know who you are. I had no sense of self worth, no sense of innate value, no will to live. These were things I had to build from the ground up. But, in understanding myself, in letting myself talk and be heard, and in a lot of, introspection through writing I was able to sort of, carve out of the darkness inside me, something that made sense and, shed light on like, who I innately once and, came to value that, and know that. And love that.
I knew like, no one could love me and I could not be happy, if I did not know who I was first. I couldn’t, really go forward with life and, make decisions- because I didn’t even know, what side of the fence I really stood on- on anything. Because growing up, my opinions weren’t important- so I just never formed any of my own. I just did what I was told and followed the motions of life like a robot- without questioning it.
Though, I was frustrated, naturally with feeling like I was forced to fit a mold I didn’t fit, and feeling, sort of trapped. I just kind of, needed to be set free and I knew that, I just didnt know why.
So eventually when I did find that freedom I did begin, giving myself the room to breath and opening up more, (I used to be extremely quiet and never, spoke, in public or, anywhere.) And I needed to get better at, being confident, and- talking, out loud. In order to be happy, and care free going about life- instead of too anxious to even speak.
So it did help me find my confidence as well. And a lot of these issues being corrected did help improve my own quality of life and my own personal internal happiness and, daily disposition- which contributed to my ultimate wellness, and the health of my life, my relationships, my habits, my health, my longevity even.
Mental health is important so, I was kind of doing what I had to do in a way, to get through the hard times and, grow, and... you know. Find my way about things. I was very lost in all of it before. It’s very, confusing and disorienting, when you’re, in all of it. But now in retrospect, it makes sense the intuitions I had, and why I had them and, I’m glad I followed them. Including my intuition to get help, and to help myself anyway I felt like- sort of allowing myself, to do that for myself.
There were a lot of things I did, not just writing. But writing was one of the more cathartic things. It was just a healing process or, course correction. And then slowly with time I’ve been able to work with a therapist to integrate, these dislocated parts and, deal with trauma etc. So that I could feel more whole.
The reason I had to dislocate is just because it was simply too much for me to psychologically handle, what I had been through and, the effects it caused. Panic, anxiety, depression, etc. So my brain just kind of like YEETed that away and was like, “hey, that didn’t happen.” “And neither did any of that!” And I was like :) an empty human being with no sense of self or identity and no opinions, just sitting there feeling completely blank. And I was like why the fuck do I feel like this? Lol
and then I remembered all my shit and I was like oh... no. *mental breakdown*
*gets help*
ok cool, that makes sense now.
Ptsd is real folks, and the ways in which people deal with their shit, is all different. And this is just how I dealt with mine ya know? I had to keep it compartmentalized here for a lot of reasons as well- which is why it was here. It was here because it worked. It made sense, trust me. Lol
Anyway yeah, sorry for all the confusion and, I’m glad to be on the other side of it now and I don’t think I would change a thing. SC probably saved my life in a way, because if I hadn’t done all of this I definitely would of killed myself. Like, I genuinely couldn’t handle what I was going through at certain times so. And I was once really suicidal. I had to do a lot of work on that.
But yeah.... to say I needed psychological help is, an understatement. I tried to kill myself three times. Obviously something was wrong and, I’m glad that I could even, understand- what was going on. Because at the time, I couldn’t. But with writing it helped me come to realizations about what was going on and assess things comprehensively, monitoring my thoughts and, trying to make sense of it all- and what I needed to do to get better.
A large part of that was just needing to validate myself and I felt like, very invalidated. In all the stuff I went through. It’s like, oh if it happened to you, that’s not real trauma- and I couldn’t process it because, “that’s no big deal, you don’t deserve to feel pain about this. You don’t deserve to complain, etc.” But, if it happened to blanc, I could empathize with them. And in a way, heal emotional wounds there by doing that and, having compassion for myself- in a lot of ways, not just about trauma. And i learned to, validate myself and get stronger and more confident about that.
I used to be quite a door matt, and it didn’t even occur to me, that I was doing that you know. I just genuinely thought I deserved what happened, so it took a long time to even, realize that I didn’t and that it was wrong and bad. And then coping with the long term harm and deep seated issues it caused was a whole other, gamble. Where I was sort of, walking the line for a while and, on the edge of suicide basically.