It’s amazing. I love it. The world is changing. End authoritarianism.
It’s amazing. I love it. The world is changing. End authoritarianism.
How is this supposed to end that?
People are seeing they have power and they are taking it back. They are rising up. The laws are changing. What was tolerated before won’t be anymore. It just started too.
That doesn't mean authority is dead, that'd just mean it adapting in newer hands.
I'd otherwise say you're too optimistic in the short term. Big money won't allow that.
It’s amazing. I love it. The world is changing. End authoritarianism.
When these activists seeking to end authoritarianism took over downtown Seattle and declared it a free nation now, it wasn't long before this happened under their new leadership.
As long as it doesn't get in my way, I don't care about riots or social chaos. It's amusing. Anytime a white person kills a black person, BLM pulls the race card.
I talked to two black people about it recently. They both were ignorant and defensive.
It isn't civil disobedience because it isn't "civil". It's just violent rioting. Also, they're not targeting many things that are relavent to their fight, they're just targeting the nearest things in sight to smash. Maybe they should take their riots to the people who actually are at fault and leave the little guy's storefront alone.
br, stop watching fox news. you literally parrot everything you're told to think. you're not equipped to deal with this level of brainwashing, read an independent outlet or smth.
where is your outrage at people actually being killed while unarmed and posing no threat, and officers not being charged for committing murder in cold blood, which was the catalyst for the riots?
There's a video out there where this business owner had his store attacked by looters and he tried to defend it with a sword, then they beat him to the point of going to ICU.
A black former police chief has been shot to death.
Many more people have died, on both sides.
People are out of work and having to shutter their business over property damage, including black owned or ones in predominantly black areas.
So tell me, how are these things done on innocent people supposedly justified? Do the ends justify the means? If you believe that, you're setting a dangerous precedent in America that the murder and harm of innocent people is justified as long as it is towards something you deem more important than their life.
I think the issue comes down to the fact that no one is paying attention to black people dying, so other people will die so we can see how much a life is worth. Black lives are worth just as much, but the issue is that not ll black lives are treated alike either. Honestly, my real opinion is that anarchy is fun, but black people have a tiny voice in this that is being quieted by other groups that want to take advantage of this time.