I think originally, she wanted to be a leader of sorts.
It was always about that.
And she felt a sense of community with the people here. She willed the site into existence, advertised it on other places like PsychForums (that's how I ended up here). I think people overlook her tenacity.
Yeah, her tenacity was almost Med-tier at points (in both style and function), but her trying to be a social sneak with not even an ounce of savoir faire did her no favors.
Her selfish mastermind delusions were her gradual downfall, and every time shit went down she was a master of learning all the wrong lessons from it.
To describe it another way, I would try to convince her to put ads on the side of the site, so that she would get something more out of being a host. She would not do that. It was purely about ideas with her.
She also hates the aesthetic of ads, and is principally against advertising anything that isn't self-made.
If she had a series of side companies (lol), you can bet she'd be advertising those instead.
If you want to know why she "gave up," it's because people repeatedly ground her down. I mean over years. People here don't respect authority much, and some are even malicious. So she became a target of sorts, especially when she would have her meltdowns and start banning. Nothing good happens when you're power tripping on sociopaths.
Even when this place had their head up their asses about ASPD, they only began grinding her down when she'd power trip. She had to start this way, be this person inherently, for that to keep happening over and over for years.
People wanted to see her as awesome, but that image became increasingly ironic overtime. Electing Dexter as her head strategist was the final nail in the coffin when it came to her credibility imo.
I think she gets a bad rap, and she was arguably a VIP. No one was easy on her. Maybe Ed.
I'd like to have her back as a depowered user, but I'm not going to do some sort of fake lip service about all she's done for us when she the entire time was only thinking of herself, delusionally. It fits like a glove with her childhood narrative of choosing to never play with others if she wasn't in charge.
I'd say she's pitiable for her cocktail of narcissism and social retardation.