Life's an rpg and you're waiting for the perfect dice roll
Your productivity does not measure your worth.
yes it does, don't be a leech
By white knuckling you are limiting yourself in so many ways.
you’re robbing yourself of the opportunity to biohack, and instead doing the opposite- hindering your body and minds natural ability to be “quote unquote successful in insert desired area here” by sending your psychological state into overdrive and your body into a state of distress. This is taxing on the physiology and affects your neuropsychology.
Being patient with yourself and loving yourself isn’t a “lazy”thing to do, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself, and if you study the patterns of “quote unquote successful people” this is one of the pillars of their success they implement into their lives.
Down time. Relaxation. Reflection.
If you are in a frenzy and don’t have inner peace, you’re less likely to make the small good decisions along the way that lead to a happier, healthier well balanced “successful” or fulfilling life.
There is a difference between being a leech, and being a centered and balanced person. I’m not suggesting doing nothing and being completely unproductive, I’m suggesting to find internal sense of worth and happiness and not place it on the externals so much, to balance your productivity by also taking time for yourself- and experience some internal growth and peace. Which will ultimately only benefit you and the others around you.
Secondly, understanding your intrinsic worth and value is uplifting for people, a necessary part of life.
If you tell someone who has no innate sense of value in themselves, and perhaps feels down on themselves for being bad off in life, telling them to just “do more” and it will make their life better- is blaming the problem on them, creating the self inflicted thought that they are a burden to themselves and the others around them.
Saying, “if you just would do more, ur life would be better, your depression would go away, you’d have a girlfriend, you’d have a house, etc.” is a shitty way of thought because instead of opening up their mind and relieving them of the clouded vision of depression and stress, you are further perpetuating the idea that they are not good enough, and they are only measured in worth- by what they commit to in tasks, pertaining to life- and the outcomes they receive from completing their highly demanding goals. You are blaming the person, and then they will blame themselves and loathe themselves even more- and if they are suicidal or depressed, it will increase their likelihood of suicide.
Because it reinforces the idea they aren’t good enough. When really this is just an illusion created by bad brain chemistry and thought patterns- mental illness, and can be corrected- with the right kind of help.
He’s likely looking for someone to help clear his head and motivate him a bit- and the journaling might be an effort to de tangle himself from the tangling of his own mind, which he feels wrapped up in and suppressed by.
This is the tangle of anxiety and depression.
“You need to do more. More more more. Never relax. Never take time for yourself. Go, go go.” -anxiety
“you’re not good enough. All the stuff you do is never good enough.” -depression
it’s a toxic cycle people get so tangled up in- when wrapped around divorce, loss, heart break, stock market plunges, betrayal, bankruptcy, job loss, etc- it can push these individuals to suicide. It’s why in the Great Depression you see people jumping off buildings. Their entire worth is wrapped up in the money and the success. It’s why some men snap and kill their entire families after losing two jobs and being in debt over the ears and a failing marriage- and then kill themselves afterward.
They don’t realize their perspective is warped or wrong, because all society tells us, is do more, be more, achieve more, complete it, and then you’ll have this- and when you have this, you’ve made it.
But it’s lonely at the top, and no dollar amount, no popularity or fame, no achievement or degree or job, or medal, or award, if going to fulfill the void you have to fill with personal internal growth, personal internal contentment, personal happiness, personal peace.
Until then you’re just cattle stomping toward the slaughter house or rats in a maze racing to the finish line trying to get the cheese. You’re brain washed. Stepping on people’s heads all the way up, making a mess of your life, destroying your relationships, and running yourself into the ground with stress- literally. (People die of heart attacks from stress over working themselves trying to be “good enough” in Japan or, even here in America trying to be the wealthiest in sales etc.)
Trust me. No Mercedes or Lamborghini or relationship, girl or boy, nothing you could imagine is goign to fill that empty space, and you will always feel a gnawing discontent and an inability to relax, and sit with oneself- until you search inside yourself a little more, instead of paying attention to whats being drilled into our heads by everything around us.
I’m not suggesting doing nothing and being completely unproductive
Why not though?
The only thing worth procrastinating is suicide
Feels like shit tho