The best of our moments and experiences aren't as rewarding for others.
One of the favorite things I've done was catching some guys mp3 player, saving it from getting smashed to pieces in 2001. We were in speed drawing class in college and he had a new mp3 player. At the time it was new tech and he left it on the table while he had headphone on. He was sort of my rival too, and I told him how it's a bad idea to leave it on the table, and he was like "I'm good"
Guy in the back had something for him, so he rolls his seat over with a kick, the mp3 player jerked off of the table, and as I planned in advance, I let go of my pencil and caught the mp3 player squatting over my leaned chair with my fist close to the ground. I got a wow and my reflexes were complemented. I handed the guy his mp3 player, and he just put it back on the table and went back drawing.
I've done nice things and had more interesting moments, but this time for some reason always lightens my mood.