this would be entertaining for.... 4 year olds.
what is up with the theme of suicide in this series?
suicide, and gay shit.
can we stop?
with all that?
they just took the trendiest topics is mass media... pop stars.... "13 reasons why"suicide, suicide, suicide.... dead parents... dead fiancé... neglected depressed teens.... and then gay shit, sex, infidelity. and of course extortion.
and tried to write shit around these concepts
and then threw in some FACETIOUS "technology"
and the over all theme is very depressing out look on life
and very "us against them" bull shit...
it's cheesy and it's old news
this isn't thrilling, captivating, or new...
there's nothing unpredictable about it... or really futuristic.
and I'm fucking bORED.
the acting is TERRIBLE. the plots are cheesy and the writing is underdeveloped all around- in many areas.
wow another horribly bad ending
this was written by 14 year olds.
and I want to throw up from how bad the music was that was written for the show- *especially* the last song that plays....
*shudders* WHO wrote this shit and produced it... do they have EARS?