Considering there is a delay in episodes for JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind, Sword Art Online: Alicization War of the Underworld, and My Hero Academia, all the dub versions at least. I've been watching Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and Clannad. My friend and I are almost done with Full Metal though, it's a pretty good series. I started watching Clannad, because my friends told me about it, and how sad it was, and I wanted to see for myself.
I don't consider myself a weeb, I don't watch a lot of anime, it just so happens that I've been watching it currently, when I still need to get back into Better Call Saul.
Silicon Valley
After that I think we start new Rick and Morty episodes with House mixed in.
I'm honestly just waiting for the third season of Dark to come out next month.
I enjoy Rick and Morty a lot, I've been keeping up with the new episodes. I'll have to check Silicon Valley and Dark out.
Xadem said:I don't really watch stuff anymore. I get a burst of desire then it dies down.
I've gotten like that before, I guess it's kind of a good thing, because then I come back to a bunch of episodes to watch.
haven't seen any new episodes of simpsons, then again i never watched simpsons a lot, i heard the new stuff that comes out isn't really good
simpsonshaven't seen any new episodes of simpsons, then again i never watched simpsons a lot, i heard the new stuff that comes out isn't really good
It's garbage, every memer should know this.
I enjoy Rick and Morty a lot, I've been keeping up with the new episodes.
What about it?
Turncoat said:What about it?
I enjoy the way it references other franchises, the offensive and nihilistic humor it has. Plus, I love that there is actual consistency and there is a a real story to be had, I'm especially interested in the Evil Morty character and how that all plays out.
My favorite episode of recent times would be the fifth episode of season 4. Rattlestar Ricklactica. I won't spoil what it's about, but I love it for it's references.