I asked you for only two things and you didn't answer either of them...
- Give me a direct quote from somewhere where it says that "the possibility of a mutation leading to a stable shape for a protein of 150 elements is 1/10^74."
- Give me a quote where it says that evolution through natural selection implies that all possible protein mutations are equally likely in bacteria or other living things.
That quote you gave does not have "mutation" mentioned in it a single time. It talks about helixes and some shit like that. What does that have to do with mutations in evolution through natural selection?
An alpha helix is a type of structure found in proteins. It is the most dominate structure and as such plays the biggest role in the protein’s overall stability. Don’t forget that a new stable protein shape is what leads to new traits (that’s its relevance to evolution – protein mutations are what drive this process for the most part).
They are saying that they are particularly looking at 150 element proteins because structurally it is the most representative of all other protein types.
Holy shit how hard can it be to explain how your quote in any way proves that ""the possibility of a mutation leading to a stable shape for a protein of 150 elements is 1/10^74." What does that have to do with mutations in evolution through natural selection?
I will break it down to you in small little sections given you seem incapable critical thinking.
Purpose of research experiment = To estimate frequency of new functional proteins.
To estimate -> to quantify (they want to obtain a numerical value of something)
frequency -> how often(they want to obtain a numerical approximation of how often an event occurs)
new functional proteins -> a variation of protein that previously was not coded for (they want to obtain a numerical approximation of how often a protein that does something but was not coded for manifests during protein synthesis)
! IMPORTANT ! - If the protein was not coded for then it is a result of mutation.
Sample Sample Part 1 = Chorismate mutase genes (Multiple cultures)
Chorismate -> a biomolecule important to protein function in plants a microorganisms
mutase -> an enzyme that manages functional transfer( an enzyme is like a trigger, in this case it triggers a functional group in a protein aka activates the function
gene -> a piece of genetic code that acts as the instructions to produce a protein
! IMPORTANT ! - In the experiment they use this specific type of gene because it is well understood, it is found widespread in nature, and it acts as a trigger for protein function.
Sample Part 2 = 150 element protein chain
! IMPORTANT ! - The will focus on protein chains of 150 elements that are derived from this gene because the geometry(its structure) is representative other sized chains. This is done because they want the a approximation that can be roughly representative across these protein groups (but it is a rough approximation of these groups)
Method Part 1 - They use mixed base oligonucleotides for randomization of the sequence
Mixed based -> multiple types
olingucleotides -> a type of small RNA (it has small snippets of instructions that go into the protein)
for randomization of the sequence -> they want to mix up the instructions of the protein 'randomly' in order to reduce bias
! IMPORTANT ! - They are using lots and lots of this different type of RNA to mix up the instructions while the gene described earlier is coding the instructions for the protein. This mimics mutation and does so in a very natural way. Natural meaning that olinguleotides are found in nature and this happens.
Methods Part 2 - Observe the effects on protein stability and function
Observation - A massive fall in protein stability and function
Now here come the quotes I used and how they are relevant, be prepared, this answers your question....again.
"Their least stringent folding criterion gives a value of 10^-10 for this proportion, which would mean that of
all sequences in U, something like one in 10^74 to one"
For the sequences that were randomized, they call this set U (set of mutations), folding had a 1 out of 10^74 chance of occurring.
! Important ! - So the majority of the time the protein would take on no structure. It is estimated that it does take on structure 1/10^74 but it is not stable so it will fall apart.
"So, if set S is about one-thousandth the size of set H (as above), then the proportion of all sequences of
large-domain length that perform the specified function by means of any tertiary fold (i.e. fall
within the dark portion of F) is estimated to be in the range of one in 10^77 to one in 10^53"
Set H and S are subsets of set U.
U is the set of mutations, H is the set of stable mutations, S is the set of stable and functional mutations.
A mutation has a chance between 1 and 10^57 to 1 and 10^77 of becoming a member of set S (becoming a stable and functional protein)
So yes, this whole experiment and its results are built completely around the notion of mutation. They are literally estimating how often mutations lead to a functional protein and the figures given are those estimates.
The second one you conveniently skipped over..
I have never made any claims regarding point 2 so I do not find it necessary to support. Explain why it is relevant.
Once again, I do not think all possible mutations are equally likely nor do I find natural selection to be responsible for mutations let alone their likelihood.
If natural selection dictates that stable proteins are more likely to be selected.. then it's not "random" by your definition.. You said that evolution through natural selection consists of random mutations... And by your definition of random mutation... Every possibility is equally likely, or otherwise it's call porbabla... I can't be assed to check what that word was again.
So... Give me a quote where it says that evolution through natural selection implies that all possible protein mutations are equally likely in bacteria or other living things.
This has nothing to do with natural selection
Natural selection does not select for mutations. If the mutations are random as neo-dawrnism claims then nothing selects for the mutation. It just happens.
As for bacterium I let there be 10^40 mutations because it gives neo-dwarnism the best odds. This is not the actual figure which is smaller. I explicitly state this and give my reason, I am steel manning the theory.
Natural selection selects what stable proteins get passed on, it has nothing to do with how stable proteins occur or the chance of that occurrence.
They are estimating how often new functional proteins form.
....Through mutations in bacteria?
They use genes found in bacteria, plants, and many other types of organism as described above.
You have no clue what you're talking about... do you? You're just reguriating scientific jargon which you have no idea what it means... right?
I'm literally asking for only two things... How hard can it be..?
Very hard for you evidently.