Let's pretend for a second we're not degenerates, and we actually want to raise a family. Now suppose you want to have a relationship and are looking for a spouse.
Some requirements you have for your spouse are:
1) Wants children and is able to have them
This goes without saying. If they can't have them, or doesn't want them, you cannot build a family with them.
2) Wants to do their fair share of work involved with raising them
Are you willing to take care of the family alone, while the spouse bitches from the backseat? No. This is also unhealthy for the children, and for yourself, you should not do this.
3) Must be able to make sacrifices for the greater good
Raising children properly implies both parents make sacrifices for them. If they're unable to, it's bad for the children, which is something bad for you, since you're not a degenerate and have decided to have a family.
4) Must be trustworthy, and of good character.
This is extremely important, because you do not want the other person to wreck the family.
All 4 of those points are crucial. There might be more, but this is all I will conjure out of thin air at the moment. Now since those are VITAL requirements, you cannot date anyone that fails any of them. It's simply dumb to do so. Notice how they're unisex.
If you keep this in mind, you'll be able to filter out a lot of headaches, and potential life-ruining mistakes when you choose your mate. Some people have talked about "red flags", but that sounds like it minimises it. Generally a single red flag implies that one of the 4 principles is not met. And that implies you're dumb if you continue a relationship with greatly decreased odds of success. The odds are greatly decreased because it will only be successful if the principle is actually fixed, if the other person manages to "fix themselves".
Are there more requirements than the 4 above, that can't be reduced to one of them?