I recently found the pieces of a skirt I started making 4 years ago. It's nearly finished, I will post updates here as I work on it.
Hey good idea for quarantine activities lol
the color makes me want to fucking cover it rainbow patches and flowies but i am curious to see your vision how it turns out and everything
what fabric is that?
Just cotton. I got it from Joanne's fabric. I'm out of practice but I'd like to make a pink silk dress next
I've got almost all the pieces finished, they just need to be sewn together at the waistband, but I've now realize the reason I set this project aside in the first place: I need soft white material for the lining. Updating will proceed after I can find a Joanne's
Waistband front and back are stitched together with belt loops on both sides, pellon interfacing stitched to the interior for support. Skirt lining and shell stitched together at waist. Belt pieces are complete. I'm debating if they will be a separate piece or sewn into the back of the waistband. The dark brown stitching at the top will not be visable, it will be covered by the waistband, it's just there so I can raunch it to give the dress ruffles and is a different color so I wouldn't lose it.
Also, it has POCKETS! in between the shell and the lining. Big enough to fit my phone.
Originally when I started this project I bought lace to add details around the skirt, but I think that has gone out of style since then.
What do yall think? I kinda like the 2010's shabby chic look but I'm leaning towards leaving it off to give it a more modern look.