I think it’s time to turn off the news and bug out.
Like seriously, this is a sinking ship at this point. If you haven’t realized it’s every man for themselves by now, you’re not going to be one of the ones who survives this.
I’ve had my plans in place, I think it’s go time.
The system is crumbling, get out from under it before it falls on you.,
You'll have to bug out in the US, now.
My imaginary boyfriend (Trudeau <3 <3) is closing the border tomorrow.
Imma try my hand at growing my own food for awhile :D
They say the supply chains won't be disrupted bc of this, but I don't believe them.
So glad I gave up red meat awhile back. If I have to learn how to hunt and trap my food I'll be limited to what I can carry (rodents, fish and birds.)
At least the switch won't be such a shock to my system, now. I've not had wild Canadian rabbit yet. I wonder if it tastes the same as the Australian critter I ate many years ago when they were still a problem over there and had to be culled and exported?
Tbh, I'm kinda glad they're limiting travel from the US. Americans tend to go a bit psycho over their armed apocalypse narratives.
They can keep their assault rifles on their own side, thx.
every time i hear Trudeau speak I think, what a pussy, he just seem like such a weak poser. all soft spoken and fake. has the guy ever raised his voice? you could do much better for a imaginary boy friend.
what are you going to hunt your food with? sling shot? if things get bad with no food, you may want to get something to protect yourself with, no? ladies do well with ar15's. they have little recoil and are simple to use.
just keep your doors locked and call the cops, oh wait, the cops wont come, too busy.