There is likely no point in sharing the live Corona Case map (global) as the numbers at this point may be very inaccurate. For every one person infected, they infect 1-2 persons statistically. There could easily be double than the reported number currently infected, if not more. However only 1/5th of these cases are severe enough to require a more serious level of medical care.
There are also two strains of the virus, L being the more virulent (most deadly and more highly contagious) than the S strain (more like the flu or a common cold, survivable/less deadly and less contagious). So while there are many infected with COVID-19, it is the strain which individuals are infected with that should be of more concern.
It is believed that Wuhan was an outbreak of mainly L strain, and is why certain concentrated areas are so much worse appearing than others.
If you want to understand more, just research these key terms
Military Martial Law
Jade helm 15 exercises
Iron mountain
Shutdowns & Impact on Commerce
Trump administers millions to small businesses in America to keep them going
Universities/schools across America including Harvard, as well as in many other countries
Affected organizations include:
BMW factory
Cruise Lines
Air Travel
Sushi retailers
Some Gas stations
Ebay bans selling of COVID-19 prevention and safety products due to illegal price gouging
& many more
8.9 billion dollar bill passed in Senate to fund COVID-19 related efforts
On the economic crisis and foreign relations:
U.S is likely entering an economic war (due to conflict between Saudi Arabia and Russia- related to Saudi Arabia's price war with U.S.) . Economic collapse was predicted 10 years ago by Pentagon for 2020, however, not WW3.
North Korea is firing missiles at Japan for unknown reasons
Theories & Gossip regarding COVID-19: (Just covering the gossip, there is no way for me to confirm or deny any of these theories as the sources are not reliable)
Is this virus caused by 5G
On purpose from China? Iran? (Control or Over population)
Institute of virology in Wuhan 300 yards from market (coincidence, accident, or cult/anarchist?)
Evidence leading people to believe U.S. knew this was coming.
Why are pandemics always in election years?
Why do the viruses always come from Asia?
some are saying Nord virus is worse, and the panic about COVID-19 is, being used as leverage for a particular agenda?
States of Emergency declared to receive funding?
Vaccine/Treatment updates:
I'm most hopeful about the MODERNA vaccine (being developed in Washington), however there are over 20 vaccines in development currently worldwide, and over 40 known modes of treatment/cures currently in use and documented as highly affective- one of which includes blood transfusion (the use of plasma from previously infected COVID-19 survivors, allowing almost automatic immunity for the recipient. this was proven successful in treatment of Ebola).
MODERNA was 100% successful in apes of all ages. They have already begun recruitment to Washington for human trials, and we should see implementation in 18 months at the soonest if trials are successful
Average age of death from COVID-19 is 60-80 years of age (covering 80% of cases)
for those under the age of 40, only ~.9% have died
Cause of death from COVID-19 is usually brain anoxia or heart attack from fluid around the heart. (Unless underlying conditions exist)
However it is possible to have it and show little to no symptoms, or even be a carrier or "super spreader"
Symptoms strictly include: Nausea, head ache, diarrhea, low grade fever, coughing/sneezing, difficulty breathing (on the exhale) or prolonged chest pains, body aches, stomach pain.
Symptoms DO NOT include: rash or hives. (I've had people asking me about this one so I just thought I would clarify)
If you believe you have symptoms, call your doctor first- rather than going outside, exposing doctors, nurses, and sick immuno-compromised individuals in hospitals, or spreading it through public transit.
Incubation period was recently extended from 14 days now to a minimum of 24 days, meaning longer quaruntines.
It is unknown at this time if it is possible for someone to catch the corona virus twice, or if once you get one strain you are more likely to get the other. It is unknown if it stays in you forever like MERS, but I personally believe there may be a good chance this is the case. Which would explain why "treated" or cleared individuals, have been reported to relapse with the illness. I personally don't believe they should be releasing anyone from quaruntine once exposed or once deemed infected, but legally it may be difficult to.
If you wish to wear a face mask, you must change it ever 12 hours to a new one, and do not get it wet. They are not as effective as you think however, as air still escapes and enters around the sides of the mask. A moist environment in the interior of the mask also creates a breeding ground for microbes.
Wash you hands for 30 seconds, everyone has heard by now this is apparently a really affective way to avoid it.
It is transmittable up to six feet airborne in the event of someone coughing or sneezing, but can only last in the air for 12-25 minutes if the environment permits. It can live on surfaces for 12-24 hours.
However, in moist, humid, and extremely hot conditions, it can only live in the air or on a surface for roughly 30 seconds to 2 minutes. And, UV light or sunlight is known to erradicate it, along with 99.9% of microbes- including Ebola.
It is a large in diameter so simple use of face masks is effective for health care personnel and standard airborne PPE precautions.
Hotels, health care, travel, and educational settings are implementing the use of new U.V. light technology that eradicates the disease with a simple flash of light that affects the entire room and all surfaces in it. It is similar to a light you can place it on the floor or in the ceiling, and set it to flash every 30 minutes, or once a day for example.