And with that, I will leave you with my advice- do not panic, simply be prepared, and enjoy life as you know it. Accept what is potentially to come, and accept that, at some point, everyone dies. The attitude I have toward this, is that you must just simply enjoy life as you have it right now.
This is the time to, love your loved ones, eat the cake, buy the shoes. And just, have an appreciation for life every 24 hours you are granted, pain free, able to breath without a machine's assistance.
Life is precious. I recommend indulging in the things you enjoy, rather than wasting the time you have panicking and worrying.
Let yourself be happy. Some people do not have this luxury, as sthey are living in a state of quaruntine, or are sick with the illness in hospitals. You are the lucky ones. Reading this right now.
And just remember, we all die. Literally, every one of us. Eventually. It's okay, if you do. You have to one day eventually anyways. I find peace in that, I hope you do too. And if that didn't help I'm sorry but, just focus on your loved ones and doing things you love.
DIAL 988 crisis line if you feel this is affecting you seriously (overwhelming fear, panic attacks, inability to sleep, or thoughts of suicide) to talk to a professional who can help you deal with that