Sorry for all the edits sc is lagging on my phone so typo the fuck out of everything
You're the one trying to sexualize me so it's clear who is the real jealous one between us two
I still remember literally telling Alice when she said "What would you do to me?" (In a hypothetical sexual situation this is while she was pretending she had a penis and talking about how big it was and such) and I said "Just lay there"
AND SHE GOT SO MAD lol cuz she realized right then I had been trolling her the whole time it was great
last edit on
2/23/2020 8:09:18 AM
Very excited to cook with home grown herbs, nothing beats fresh ingredients grown with love.
And also cooked with love my dear <3
Sc is pretty boring.
I love real peaches!! The edible kind, not the repulsive wrecked crack filled ones