I am using an AeroGarden :) I planted it last night and I am very excited. For those who don't know, aerogarden is an indoor hydroponics planter by Miracle Grow. The base is a basin of water with a bubbler. The lid has six holes and you order pre-seeded dirt cones which fit into the holes. The basin has a pole on the back which supports a wide grow light. The light can be programmed to cycle on a specific schedule depending on what plants you are growing :) Every two weeks you add the pre-mixed plant food that comes with the seed cones and top off the water level.
I've never used an AeroGarden before but I have been gardening my entire life and I'm very excited to be able to continue gardening in our new apartment. AeroGarden has several pre selected seed packs you can buy, but I ordered a custom pack. I will be growing the herbs we use most to cook: Thyme, Parsley, Rosemary, Cilantro, Chives, and Genovese Basil.
Pics will come once it starts sprouting :3