So... I'm guessing middle class?
Yes, middle and upper class had the lowest rates and the rates were lower still for none ethnic/racial minority trans people.
This is interesting imo because studies suggest this in general. The highest rate of suicide by demographic are 45+ Native American men who just so happen to also have the highest rate of poverty and are the greatest minority.
Alchohol didn't really help them either...
Obviously you can't change the fact that they are a minority group. In that case one would have to wonder how much the suicide rate would drop if you improved their economic status.
Couldn't someone try to use an argument like this to say that our military ought to be majority-white and straight, for the sake of military psychological assessment?
I see what you’re getting at but if anything the military is classically used as a socioeconomic safety net, and its effective for those who can actually function inside such a structure.
But I think it’s more a matter of gender identity disorder being up until recently considered a mental condition. It would be the case in which that mental condition was seen to make it overly likely you'd be unable to do your duty in a satisfactory manner. Racial minorities aren't viewed as suffering a mental condition outright...not anymore at least.
There has to be a breaking point somewhere between cultural conditioned ideals and progressive thinking.
I agree there is, the military just must be very careful with this line of thought because when they get it wrong it has far reaching consequences.
D) Many other disorders are allowed in the military to varying degrees.
Most medical conditions are not allowed, both physical and inflammatory.
Practically all mental health conditions are also disqualifying: disorders with psychotic features, ocd, ptsd, bipolar, pyschoses, dissociative, conversion, factitious, depersonalization, hypochondriasis, somatoform disorders, pain disorders, paraphilias disorders, history of drug or alcohol abuse, history of attempted suicide or suicidal behavior.
Some of those disorders shouldn't be disqualifying, and I thought our military was getting hungrier for it's own blood. It'd be so easy to fake many of these.
Tbf I'm not well versed in disorders, I don't know what many of these are. I just know that a diagnoses or a suspicion during MEPS will disqualify you, though in the latter I'm sure you can file for a more thorough examination or bring paper that shows you've been examined and nothings been found.
They likely mean extremely debilitating cases of it, ones that go over the line, the bar they've set psychologically. I figure as they get more or less desperate for people that that line can move.
A lot are automatic disqualification while others have time constraints.
Depressive, Anxiety, and Adjustment disorders that have necessitated impatient or outpatient treatments for longer than 12 months are disqualifying.
Don't they usually have something that almost resembles a psych ward on-site?
There are generally behavioral psych centers in med hospitals and even a few facilities specifically designated for treatment across the country but landing yourself in one of these will almost definitely lead to you being discharged from service.
For treatment periods less than 12 months the individual must be stable for 36 months. Not sure what exactly the metric for ‘stable’ is.
Probably remarkably low.
I assume it'd be along the lines of has had no treatment or incidents for over 36 months.
I mean even our disorder figures tend to be under-reported for a variety of reasons.
People who have seriously broken the law and have lied on their SF 86 can still pretty easily get security clearances because there are no reported incidents of their wrongdoing.
So if your not actually diagnosed you likely can slip through the cracks easily.
If the tranny can pass a physical and doesn't have a physical upkeep to worry about, what's the problem?
I agree that there wouldn’t be a problem if there was no physical or psychological upkeep but practically all studies reveal there is upkeep along with a ton of risky variables.
Everyone has risk variables though, whether it's towards themselves or their team. Some issues are just louder than others, especially when it becomes a part of the public sphere of discussion.
Agreed, there's always variables.
In this case its a matter of minimizing some variables and eliminating others.