Well, in your words, all I am is a follower of "Saint Sagan" I want to read all the religious literature, and understand it so I can destroy it. So much knowledge I find myself hungry for, but I lack this self-discipline. It's a conflicting nature.
I guess I just get really zealous and fanatical over it. I can't say I necessarily hate those who believe in a religion, but the higher ups of such organized religions I view as most likely scum, and I still dream of a non-religious mankind.
The Universe is vast, and we are the custodians of our destiny. Through Science we can explore the universe and learn more about it. Through Science, we can achieve countless things.
So much knowledge I find myself hungry for, but I lack this self-discipline. It's a conflicting nature.
Such a long winded way to be like "Omg guise I am lak soooo ADD".
Thankfully for the researcher who can't sit still there's been something called books on tape for a few decades now.
So much knowledge I find myself hungry for, but I lack this self-discipline. It's a conflicting nature.
Such a long winded way to be like "Omg guise I am lak soooo ADD".
Thankfully for the researcher who can't sit still there's been something called books on tape for a few decades now.
I refuse to believe I have ADD. I have read books in the past and listened to podcasts for hours.
So much knowledge I find myself hungry for, but I lack this self-discipline. It's a conflicting nature.
Such a long winded way to be like "Omg guise I am lak soooo ADD".
Thankfully for the researcher who can't sit still there's been something called books on tape for a few decades now.I refuse to believe I have ADD. I have read books in the past and listened to podcasts for hours.
Most people who say they have ADD like that don't actually have it, and I'm guessing the things you listen to/read usually play pretty straight with the kinds of reading you're preaccustomed to.
For everything else, there's wiki pages, reddits, articles, PDFs, videos, powerpoints, everything. In many cases the key to learning is a matter of finding the right medium, or the right comparative connections between existing media that you already know.
Why care? And I ask this unironically.
Why is being "fake" a bad thing? Why should we strive not to be? What is so inherently wrong with this "fakeness"? A lot of people are out there looking for something "real". But everything is real. The actions people take are real. The thoughts that generated those actions, conscious or subconscious are also real. Fakeness, deceit, mimicry, pretending, acting. All of those are part of being human. They are very real behaviours.
People keep justifying their unhappiness with this "It's all meaningless, why live?!?!?". Do you breathe meaning? Eat meaning? Drink meaning? NO. Meaning is not something people need fundamentally. It's a cope really. Just spiralling down a loop of fundamentally unanswerable questions to avoid the real issues that cause their unhappiness. They're unanswerable as long as you haven't set some axioms that you will have to simply believe in.
If you want meaning, you need to have faith! Not necessarily in a religious way, you need to have faith in the thing that gives your life meaning. A set of values. A desired outcome. Faith in some axioms that you can set yourself, or take from someone else if you will. "Oh noes, but I don't have faith in anything because everything is meaningless" well, this is not exactly right. "Everything is meaningless because I don't have faith in anything" would be more accurate. Searching for meaning without having faith in some things is like trying to do math with no axioms set in place. There is no math, you're just scratching your ass with your brain on idle thinking random thoughts to which you can apply no form of logic.
"Utimately I will die and any effect I have had on the state of the universe will eventually dissipate, given that enough time has passed" is a fact. But the conclusion "thus why bother?" is wrong. There is nothing saying you need to not die, or need to have your actions have an effect on the state of the universe. So, life is a deal. Take it or leave it. Put your efforts into it. Choose what "good" is for you, and work to do that.
What caused this existential crisis? Stagnation in the person's life? Perhaps they're unhappy with their progress towards their ideal, and instead of doing the necessary adjustments they've given into melancholy.
My answer to "What is real?" thus is: whatever you think to be real, for you.
My point here is that most of us are aware of how fake all of this is and thus how fucked everything has become. What you’ve done here is realized that x y and z are not ‘real’, and that thought implies a question if your crazy enough to ask it. What is real?
There are a couple of problems as I see it; Societies excess and the sheer number of people on this planet.
Societies excess allows people to occupy their minds with the trivial and make up insignificant problems for themselves. In their minds, small problems become large problems. If you really had to work and struggle for your next meal and survival, all this would go away.
With the population approaching 8 billion, consider the bell curve of human normality. The more people we have the more crazy off norm people out in the 5 to 6 sigma area. This may not be normally distributed, but you get my point. More people equals more crazy people by some rule of nature.
I expected what would follow, Alice, would regard Sartre and instead you have this stream-of-consciousness gobbledygook.
Incidentally, what kind of marks did you get.
lol med's an intellectual
I expected what would follow, Alice, would regard Sartre and instead you have this stream-of-consciousness gobbledygook.
Incidentally, what kind of marks did you get.
lol med's an intellectual
Yet if she quoted Sartre, Med'd probably be all TLDR.
So much knowledge I find myself hungry for, but I lack this self-discipline. It's a conflicting nature.
Such a long winded way to be like "Omg guise I am lak soooo ADD".
Thankfully for the researcher who can't sit still there's been something called books on tape for a few decades now.I refuse to believe I have ADD. I have read books in the past and listened to podcasts for hours.
I have ADD and I was a very avid reader, I would read sleep wake up and read more