I'm currently having a conversation with one of Peaches friends who is seemingly having an existential crises, more specifically she is experiencing the phenomena of 'Nausea' as described by Sartre in his book of the same name.
Just thought I'd share some of my thoughts on the matter as some of you may have insights into the phenomena as well.
It’s a feeling I think everyone is generally aware of but it only seems to manifest in severity within certain types of people. It could be a personality thing or chemical imbalance but for those I know whom are acutely aware of such things are those who have the time for such thoughts, they don’t merely have a brief brush up with the strangeness of reality; they have a brush up and then internalize it which then allows it to become a primary focus within their thoughts.
I’d say it’s increasingly becoming more prominent though as we’ve entered deeper and deeper into an illusory form of civilization which manifests often in history as a society becomes more extroverted and institutionalized. In the contemporary age objects are becoming separate from themselves in time. This became truly perverse during the rise of the Entertainment star. These are people whom we worship much like the Catholics worshiped saints. We watch their every move in hopes of being able to personify their being; we dress like them, act like them, believe as they do. In so doing we become illusory forms of ourselves but even stranger the Star too becomes an illusory object because through the mimicry a expectation is projected on to them, they themselves become nothing at all because they must be what everyone wants to be in order to maintain their position. Through this everyone becomes nothing.
These separations and giving into illusions now take on a hyper form when anyone and everyone is a star. The worship of the Instagram influencer or the YouTube star is a manifestation of the same phenomena except such people are far more ordinary and numerous; and as such far easier to deworld from their own being, as are we. Think of every time you may have attempted to present yourself in a way that’s not authentic on social media, this is the deworlding process in which you forfeit your material self for a more abstract form.
In the past we were deworlding ourselves for something transcendental, Christ or Buddha for example – beings arguably worth deworlding yourself for because they are a synchronicity between material and immaterial being. While now we deworld ourselves for profit or likes, hardly as worthy as something so strange the only way we can explain it is as a God being manifesting in flesh.
My point here is that most of us are aware of how fake all of this is and thus how fucked everything has become. What you’ve done here is realized that x y and z are not ‘real’, and that thought implies a question if your crazy enough to ask it. What is real?