And then it's about ~18 pages of Inquirer not admitting he screwed up, proving that his view is indeed practically untenable (nobody sane should spend 18 pages proving shit like this). His best moments so far have been "Now YOU need to give evidence, because I can't." And "I define my own evidence, which I don't need to justify but everyone has to adhere to. It's by definition unverifiable and only I can access my own evidence. Oh, and I'm 100% justified to call everyone who doesn't follow this new universal Inquirer definition an idiot."
Yeah... he's still at it as of the bottom of page 22, trying to peddle his anecdotal evidence as fact. He's at least moved onto alluding to being able to prove his claims... but he seems wounded even before the fact about how seriously you're liable to not take his effort:
I am not however going to dig up all that verifiable evidence (yet anecdotal and circumstantial) unless Legga shows he's willing to work with it. So far everything's pointing to him rejecting it out of hand because it's not stringent enough for his taste.
"Wah wah he's not going to take my findings seriously just like I didn't for him, and I won't prove it unless he believes me before I've even shown anything."
FYI Inquirer, it doesn't work that way. If you want to be taken seriously (over actual merits and not hype), then you need to earn it, not disclaimer in a pre-defeatist way how it's a waste of your precious time (something contradicted by your time spent otherwise). If you can prove your list and it's still not accepted by him, you still have yourself and your peers that you're proving yourself to and your effort spent proving it'll be established on here, meaning you won't have to do it again. Your group think heft would actually have some justification if his reason for turning it down isn't reasonable, as at that point it's no longer about reputation but instead about actions.
I have proven my list is superior to Legga's when it comes to reasoning (simply because Legga didn't specify any).
I could list like 10 random people and make up anecdotal shit on the fly, and that would not make it any more valuable than pressing random keys or saying nothing at all.
As things are, the things you've said are just words backed up by nothing but your reputation. Until there is actual proof in front of us there is no reason to take you any more seriously than lorem ipsum.
If you're saying (and you are) that his evidence is not beyond a reasonable doubt then that falls on you to show how.
I've done that from the safety of the critic's chair for pages now.
And, the moment you provide reasons why it is not beyond a reasonable doubt you will inevitably end up negating Legga's entire 'paper' in the process. haha
How so? It's only contingent on Inquirer claiming that there's that many Swedes on the forum. His thesis even calls his headcount insane for thinking there could be that many. The only thing holding us up from moving onto the paper is Inquirer's sensitivity over the risk that his digging won't be a socially rewarded gesture.
If anything, Inquirer proving how many Swedes are on here is what would counter Legga's paper, as with actual proof his paper only serves as an example of some of the Bayesian Method's inherent flaws.
Do you see how that works?
I still see Inq defending his list
even now if that's what you're asking.
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