Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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0 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR

Turncoat is a genius, he put it much better than I ever could. Both why the burden is on you, and why you're stuck.

If you re-define evidence and demand me to provide Inquirer evidence, which is pure conjecture, then every Matt, Oscar, Kim and Johnson can barge in with their definitions of evidence and demand you for their own subjective evidence.

By your logic, it's not just you I'm forced to convince. I should provide evidence to every single person as per their own definitions. Your list is pure conjecture, and you don't realize your definition of evidence is not in any way universal.

Evidence is evaluated on an individual level. What information you or I or Matt have access to is different. That's just rudimentary Bayesian logic. The reason standard evidence is "verifiable" is precisely to address subjectivity, it makes it universal. We both have access to it. But you rejected the standard definition and decided to argue against Bayesian logic.

You can only ever win this argument if you provide something I can actually evaluate, so what you asked of me. You can't just barge in and claim everyone has to follow your own definition of proof, which is essentially a conjecture.

As a nice reminder:

Inquirer said:
My argument, from the start, is that your "evidence" is so badly constructed I'm disappointed by the lack of effort you put into this troll. :p

Funny how the tables turned.


Ps. Since you asked me for quotes of you arguing against my paper, here are two examples:

Inquirer said:
According to that graph of yours, how full of shit does two Swedish members make me?
Inquirer said:
How do you get 2 active people (3 in total if you count Missy) to be 80%?
last edit on 7/4/2019 12:31:31 AM
Posts: 1113
0 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR

OMG TC, LOL. You seem so desperate to... actually, I don't even know?

I can tell. 

 hmm....applying your logic: 

1) you're too lazy to give a response; or

2) you avoid debating opponents you find too challenging (aka Jamie Lanister); or

3) ?


I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
Posts: 33176
0 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR

OMG TC, LOL. You seem so desperate to... actually, I don't even know?

I can tell. 

 hmm....applying your logic: 

1) you're too lazy to give a response; or

2) you avoid debating opponents you find too challenging (aka Jamie Lanister); or

3) ?

#3. Critic's Chair. I have not thrown in my two cents for your strange ramblings that attempt to grasp at what's going on, as there's nothing in it worth dignifying with a response. 

Unlike Inq who threw himself into the mix as an actual contender versus Legga's logic, I meanwhile see no reason to engage with your points from the start. It'd serve to distract from the topic, as you're likely just going to follow all of this with unrelated reputation attacks that won't do much more than embarrass yourself through showing how little of this topic you're actually absorbing, and with how prone you are to self-congratulations, appealing to you'd likely be a stubborn chore to handle anyway with little to show for it after the fact. The traps Inq's found himself in aren't even hard ones to understand, and are present within all of Legga's very purposeful word choices, but your focus on making it about baseless reputation motives serves to distract from the actual points being made in here even more so than when Inq was resorting to it. 

Where Inq could really benefit from a proper wingman right now, he'll need one that can actually tell what's going on. You've done no better than charge into a topic and yell "You're just jealous!" during the middle of an otherwise serious discussion over accepted praxis. To make things even more embarrassing, your behavior here was easy enough to predict as far back as page 8. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/4/2019 6:30:43 AM
Posts: 1113
0 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR
Turncoat said:
#3. Critic's Chair. I have not thrown in my two cents for your strange ramblings that attempt to grasp at what's going on, as there's nothing in it worth dignifying with a response. 

just sounds lazy, tbh

as you're likely just going to follow all of this with unrelated reputation attacks...

wait...isn't this precisely what you did when you changed the topic and started talking about how people were taking inq's side only because of some supposed manufactured reputational "totem"  versus his argument? 

that won't do much more than embarrass yourself through showing how little of this topic you're actually absorbing, and with how prone you are to self-congratulations, appealing to you'd likely be a stubborn chore to handle anyway with little to show for it after the fact.

a 'stubborn chore', heh? This is one of the reasons inq has given you in the past for why he ends debates with people like say Tony. A reason you refused to accept and used to instead criticize him for being lazy and not open-minded. A double standard is at play on your side. Can you at least admit that?

The traps Inq's found himself in aren't even hard ones to understand, and are present within all of Legga's very purposeful word choices, and your focus on making it about baseless reputation motives serves to distract from the actual points being made in here even more so than when Inq was resorting to it. 

Hmm...and yet you're the one who has repeatedly shown you're extremely bothered by Inq's reputation for some reason. And not just in this thread. You begged him to change his avi and you even went so far to redesign a ridiculous one to see if that would change how people perceive him. You care a bit too much. 

Where Inq could really benefit from a proper wingman right now, he'll need one that can actually tell what's going on.

I'm not winging for him. I'm pointing out that you have personal issues at play. 

You've done no better than charge into a topic and yell "You're just jealous!" during the middle of an otherwise serious discussion over accepted praxis.

lol a serious discussion. You're all just honestly going around in circles at this point. 

To make things even more embarrassing, your behavior here was easy enough to predict as far back as page 8. 

And your behaviour was easy enough to predict on old SC when you spazzed the first time he was made mod and everyone cheered. :p

I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
Posts: 1113
0 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR
Xadem said: 

The bandwagon really is steered purely by reputation if you guys think Inq is winning this thing. 

How many of you even bothered to read their post war? 

 No you seem too invested in this to decide the winner

What makes you want Inq to lose this much? 

I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
Posts: 33176
1 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR

See here we go, this is somewhat more on topic, and the parts that aren't at least are more worth addressing now. 

Turncoat said:
#3. Critic's Chair. I have not thrown in my two cents for your strange ramblings that attempt to grasp at what's going on, as there's nothing in it worth dignifying with a response. 

just sounds lazy, tbh

Based on what? 

My post count, post length, and general lack of scrutiny involved with what topics I reply to by now ought to more than express that it's not a matter of laziness. Responding to your odd ramblings about a supposed history of jealousy would mean I have a reason to bother, meaning either you made points that looked good enough to address or that your reputation could drift people without the need for facts or evidence. Neither of those are the case, so there's no reason to address your points that are otherwise unrelated. 

At this point, I don't even think Inq would second your post you've made about our history being the motivation. 

as you're likely just going to follow all of this with unrelated reputation attacks...

wait...isn't this precisely what you did when you changed the topic and started talking about how people were taking inq's side only because of some supposed manufactured reputational "totem"  versus his argument? 

It was a side tangent to handle the bandwagon response resulting from Inq's reputation versus Legga's solely. 

Sometimes being right isn't enough for people, especially once there's clearly established ingroups and outgroups, and it's not otherwise unusual for me to step in and support the otherwise socially undesirable side. 

that won't do much more than embarrass yourself through showing how little of this topic you're actually absorbing, and with how prone you are to self-congratulations, appealing to you'd likely be a stubborn chore to handle anyway with little to show for it after the fact.

a 'stubborn chore', heh?

Yeah. For whatever effort I'd put in, the return wouldn't amount to anything. 

This is one of the reasons inq has given you in the past for why he ends debates with people like say Tony. A reason you refused to accept and used to instead criticize him for being lazy and not open-minded. A double standard is at play on your side. Can you at least admit that? 

The difference is that he would still get into debates with him, withdrawing after the fact (while baselessly declaring himself the winner) with this idea of it being a waste of his time after seeing that the task wasn't as easy as it originally appeared. He won't even wait for Spatial to fall into debate fallacies most of the time, instead checking out towards his stubborn routines purely over feeling that he's "right" and that his opponent is "wrong" in a very closed minded way. 

Why he stopped debating with Spatial Mind is because he now recognizes him as a difficult opponent, leading to him moving onto others. 

The traps Inq's found himself in aren't even hard ones to understand, and are present within all of Legga's very purposeful word choices, and your focus on making it about baseless reputation motives serves to distract from the actual points being made in here even more so than when Inq was resorting to it. 

Hmm...and yet you're the one who has repeatedly shown you're extremely bothered by Inq's reputation for some reason. And not just in this thread. You begged him to change his avi and you even went so far to redesign a ridiculous one to see if that would change how people perceive him. You care a bit too much. 

"And yet" nothing, this is you trying to worm it towards reputation-based unrelated subject matter again. What does any of this have to do with Legga's paper, Legga's list, Inquirer's list, or any of the points made therein? 

Just read the topic and try to grasp it, as all you're doing with this is proving me right again. I prefer to be wrong about a person's potential, yet here you are. 

Where Inq could really benefit from a proper wingman right now, he'll need one that can actually tell what's going on.

I'm not winging for him. I'm pointing out that you have personal issues at play. 

What does that have to do with this topic though? 

You've done no better than charge into a topic and yell "You're just jealous!" during the middle of an otherwise serious discussion over accepted praxis.

lol a serious discussion. You're all just honestly going around in circles at this point. 

Can you explain how it's happening though, or the subtle shifts in said "circles" that are actually amounting to an otherwise evolving discussion? 

Nah, you're just going to do more Gossip Girl. Why not leave this talk to the professionals? 

To make things even more embarrassing, your behavior here was easy enough to predict as far back as page 8. 

And your behaviour was easy enough to predict on old SC when you spazzed the first time he was made mod and everyone cheered. :p

...if it's easy enough to predict, then why do you keep acting all shocked and surprised over it and things like it? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/4/2019 7:55:01 AM
Posts: 33176
1 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR
Xadem said: 

The bandwagon really is steered purely by reputation if you guys think Inq is winning this thing. 

How many of you even bothered to read their post war? 

 No you seem too invested in this to decide the winner

What makes you want Inq to lose this much? 

I already answered this, and it's even been quoted a few times in this topic. 

Does motivation take away from Legga's logic and the proper progression of debate, or is this really all you're able to see? 

If this was purely over "I like this person more than that person", then it wouldn't be about the points they're making. At most all my statements are providing is a layman's lens to help others understand his work in lieu of reputation heuristics. Even without my commentary Legga's clearly the one winning here in spite of his reputation, why? Because the logic it's woven in is sound. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/4/2019 7:48:13 AM
Posts: 1113
0 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR

Legga's list was obviously wrong and he has refused to address or explain why he chose the people he did to be on it. The debate has not evolved past this but instead been widdled into semantics on both your parts to try to wiggle your way out of this sticky issue.

He set his own trap from the get go and you have desperately tried to find ways to avoid the main contention that he doesn't know what he is talking about. If he doesn't even know who the real Swedes are how can he take his case any further and make any assumptions about what caused the former high percentage of Swedes to be on the site. 

I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
Posts: 1113
0 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR

Anyone can use basic population numbers and math to say the percentages don't add up but that removes all sociological reasons behind what would make certain cultures more likely to show up on a sociopath community. And those reasons would be far more telling and frankly interesting than empty number crunching. But that is a level of critical thinking that goes well beyond where the intellect of this thread currently sits lol.

I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
Posts: 419
1 votes RE: Legga EXPOSED as a LIAR

Let me explain why people find it enjoyable to see someone who's acting high and mighty pompous finally lose a debate:

I find this debate to be a lot of fun after Inquirer called me an idiot, slow and what-not several times, including in chat. He was pumping his chest so hard 20 pages back, challenging me even when I tried to be nice to him. He went "you can admit loss any time but I'll be bumping this topic frequently to show how you miserably lost the debate and made yourself look stupid."

Of course people funny when it turns around, he shoots himself in the foot, and loses the debate. Even Alice finds some comical elements here.

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