Just gonna get that even 1k
When standing at the gates , you look to your side and see another- dead. He couldnt bear to go within. Admission is free, just need a lie to believe. The road to Chapel Perilous marked with thousands; starved and mutilated- saying "don't go".
In the 10 months this (excluding old sc) forum has existed every person who has announced they are leaving (unrealated to the initial forum transition) has come back. The only ones who havent returned just quietly stopped coming back because they've lost interest.
See you in 2 months when you inevitably get bored.
I do it for me. Not you. This is the point I'll gladly disprove. Cutting and trimming fruit.
Act like I'm addicted to you. I've got other things to do.
I think she was more going with something along the lines of invested. Announcing your leaving shows lingering sentiment (which to clarify there's nothing wrong with).
Except, I wasn't writing about just me . if you read and ponder on it, you'd see I'm talking about somebody else.
Some people kill themselves because they love others. They do it for you.
Wait what.
Cain, are these your words? I like your words...very much. I understand those words enough to login to say so. t/y
The words written are my own.
Cain, are these your words? I like your words...very much. I understand those words enough to login to say so. t/y
Shame you didn't notice before his goodbye thread, he has topics of this style and has otherwise spread it across the forum.
Also lurker confirmed.