I have a bit of a knack for pointing out people like that. It's a little hard to make them into a construct. I might be projecting myself but I can recognize these people. They have a certain quiet intensity they give off. I think these people are partly psychopathic, narcissistic, and schizoid. They're distant loners, not necessarily social loneliness I'm referring to here; rather a detached way of viewing others. They seem unconcerned with most things, and have different value systems than most. They like to fantasize about things that make them feel alive. Extreme stuff. Like murder, rape, torture, in general crimes that are offer psychological gratification rather than materialistic or opportunistic gain.
I see you and Syntetik leaning that way. I already know that for me, serial killing will not be a matter of if, but when and how. For you murder might simply be an enjoyable fantasy and you want it to stay that way. As for me, I particularly get off on causing destruction and mayhem. I particularly enjoy seeing the fruits of my labor as in how those affected react to it, which is why I like causing emotional pain.
I think there are particular dials on personality traits and sometimes they are tuned just right to create this phenomena. Not necessarily as a genetic thing, but also environment.