i've had plenty of dreams about trauma that i'm aware of, but i've been waiting for a really long time for "blacked out" trauma's to appear to me.
i've had quite a few come to surface that were previously "in the dark" through pieces of flashbacks here and there, usually coupled with lots of dissociation and panic attacks (it's not fun) but, after doing the math and looking back at my childhood,
i realized i was showing a lot of signs of trauma and abuse as a very small child and all through out early childhood, however, i can't remember what caused that.
so i've essentially been wating for it to hit me. there is also a significant trauma when i was 10 that is completely blacked out but, other people have knowledge of and, i'm waiting for that to come back although i don't think it ever will honestly.
but yeah so, sometimes things will reveal itself to me in dreams. like little hints that open the door to that part of my consciousness, and then when i wake up and reflect on the dream i go, "oh yeah.... i remember that now."
and last night i finally had a dream about when i was a small child.
*trigger warning: mentions of sexual assault*
i've had quite a few odd dreams about rape where I am a child, and something bad is happenign to me essentially. In one of them, it was literally on the side of a highway- inside of an overpass or a cave. And I was sort of cornered and trapped there by an older man.
I've always felt "off" about that dream, and wondered if my subconscious was trying to tell me something.
And for years now I've searched through my memory as a child of all these people and places I've met trying to see if it will trigger a realization like, you know, where is the root of the trauma, where did it begin, who did this to me, what happened to me?
I think I would find a sense of healing and wholeness if I could just process the things I can't remember that obviously traumatized me.
And while I've got "prospects" or people that I am thinking, definately could have done something (and even other members of the family suggested they think there was something off there)
I just can't remember.
But last night I dreamt about a guy who, a face who I knew. And there was a scenario happening that I already *knew* was going to happen. I knew it was going to end with sexual assault. And I was maybe 4 years old? Could of been 3-6 maybe?
And I *knew* step by step, what was going to happen. It was as if my mind, was playing it out but- because I knew what was going to happen already, this time I had the option of preventing it.
But I was sad at the end of the dream because I knew, in reality, I could never go back and change what *really* happened.
As if it were set in stone.
Another thing that is odd is, now I am unable to talk about the steps that took place in the dream and what hpapened, without feeling *heavy* dissociation. It really starts to lay on thick and I can't... talk about it?
Which is a sign of trauma obviously, as talking about other traumas I have, I have this same sensation of dissociation and it makes it difficult to talk about or even think about sometimes.