I just killed my upstairs neighbor. I'm sitting on the arm of his living room couch with blood all over my hands, my face and my clothes and a bloody knife in my hand, reflecting upon what I've just done. I feel calm. Cleansed even.  

I knocked on the door. This guy opened the door, smiling. He said "Good evening!". I was sitting at his doorstep, hiding a kitchen knife behind my back. I said, "Good evening..." and proceeded to drive the knife through his shirt and stomach before he could do anything. He pushed me away. He looked scared. He looked like couldn’t completely comprehend the events that were befalling him. Baffled even. He couldn't say a word. He was just staring me horrified in the eyes. His wife and daughter were in the house as well. He fell back down. He gathered his strength and shouted "Jane!!! Call the police!". I closed the door behind me and locked it then put my hand on the guy’s face and pushed his head down till it touched the floor and stuck the knife through his throat. I could hear him gurgling. The wife came out of the living room and gasped and put her hands over her mouth in astonishment. I could hear the daughter shout, "Mommy?". I ran towards the wife, grabbed her by the back of her head and stuck the kitchen knife through her stomach. She started crying and shouting though the intensity of the shouting diminished almost immediately and turned into surprised gasping. I pushed her down on on the floor and put my hand over her mouth. The little girl in the room was looking at me and crying loudly. I took out the knife out of the woman's stomach and put it through her heart, in between her ribs. She died instantly. I then got up and looked at the kid. She was yelling and crying but couldn't move. As if she wanted to do something but couldn't think of anything so she just froze in place, looking at me. I went to her, turned her around, grabbed her by the chin and slit her throat. I let the body hit the floor with a thump. I closed my eyes and sat on the arm of the living room couch. I had all of this blood on my hands and I could smell it too. I was wondering if any of the other neighbors heard the racket.

I got up, got out of the house, went back to my place, washed myself, got some new clothes and left.