Point out where, how, who or when someone reaches out for validation
Of course, primarily it's a gauge to get a better idea of how my presentation is received and interpreted. This "echolocation" simultaneously gives me a picture of how I'm perceived and subsequently how the mind interpreting this image processes it. I don't presume to make statements on other people, unless warranted for some reason. I don't form judgments hastily in regards to most people and it seems a little like hubris that I should give statements of definitude upon someone. In my line of work, where prejudice is often the culprit for problems, I treat it like research. I observe behavior, correlate what (if anything) makes sense, and try to keep things objective and precise. I keep lots of secrets. It's not unlike a doctor or lawyer and confidentiality. I comment on things only about me since I simply am the most qualified to do so.