We have finished up the final touches of Sociopath Community Version 3 (SC3) and we have set up a test server so that it can be tested before we push the changes live here on Sociopath-Community.com.
Visit this link to view the test server.
To access the server you will need to use the following credentials:
Username: tester
Password: tester
We will use feedback to make improvements over the coming days, and we hope to apply SC3 to this website sometime mid or late next week.
The new mod tools are pretty nice so far, and functionally it hasn't taken any steps backwards, but aesthetically it's a bit of a downgrade (even ignoring the portions that look that way only from it being in beta).
Edit: Actually, making it 110% scale seems to fix some of it for me, but the posts themselves seem a bit busy looking with the grey to black color swapping between posts and speech bubble look. Also the emotes seem a little large on the chat.
I personally think that approval/disapproval should be two separate scores, like it was on SC 1.0, as opposed to a single score like Reddit.
Why could some of us sign in with the SC2 password and some had to register new with the same name?
PS Eddie, you can't register. I did that for you to avoid someone stealing your username. PM me I'll give you the password (can be changed by clicking on your name>account settings>change password)
Niniela stated: source post
Eddie was here for a little more than a couple months lol
ya... ok well idk why that happened some sort of data was lost or something? who cares >.> the test server data doesn't need to be real, its just a test server