7:09  Realtalkthough: Yo mah nigga. Dude u really ever do any carding my friend? Becuz I am like super into that shit right now
7:10  crypt: no honestly i've never done it
7:10  crypt: looks interesting though
7:10  Realtalkthough: Lol ok. Well u sure as hell fooled me. U are really good at seeming to know what u are talking about
7:10  crypt: I do know what I am talking about
7:11  crypt: I ran a hacking service for like 3 yrs
7:11  crypt: made like 90k ++
7:11  Realtalkthough: I didn't mean it offensively, I meant u are good at seeming like u had experince
7:11  Realtalkthough: experience
7:11  Realtalkthough: doing that carding thing.
7:11  crypt: 1,500 an order atleast
7:12  Realtalkthough: So are u a whitehat then? I am not a hacker or anything, I don't know how to program. I just buy my fullz
7:12  crypt: nope not whitehat
7:12  crypt: we'd hack anyone
7:12  crypt: change ur grades
7:12  Realtalkthough: Lol
7:12  crypt: just with the right amount $ we'd do anything
7:13  Realtalkthough: So I don't want too over-step any bounds of privacy. But may I ask what ur actual position at the time would be labeled?
7:13  crypt: there was 10+ of us all extremely experienced throughout the world and took shifts and we're basically on 24-7
7:13  Realtalkthough: So what was the nature of ur work then? Hack in to find security flaws, or did u guyz dance outside the bounds of the law if the opportunity arose and the price was right?
7:14  crypt: nope it wasn't close to legal lol
7:14  Realtalkthough: ROFL
7:15  crypt: we were extremely business-like and basically enabled lots of white-collar crime etc
7:15  Realtalkthough: So then u were part of an illegal hacker group more or less? Is that fair to say? So not a carder but u know how to hack and program and probably know a lot about the ins and outs of carding, paypal, bank transfer, etc?
7:16  crypt: yes mostly a web hacker, but good programming skills and general skills
7:16  crypt: reverse engineering, assembly, SQLi, most web languages
7:17  Realtalkthough: So u were a hacker-for-hire group. Did u guys come up with projects on ur own, or just operate contracted out to others?
7:17  crypt: no people would give us an order, pay us
7:17  crypt: then we'd complete
7:18  Realtalkthough: U guyz never though of like hacking home depot. Initiating ur own breach, and selling that shit?
7:18  Realtalkthough: Average of 220 days before these niggaz even realize there is a breach
7:18  crypt: naw the jobs we got were pretty simple and we made good $ so we were happy
7:19  crypt: and u don't want the feds on ur tail
7:19  crypt: shit makes you paranoid
7:19  crypt: I don't see moving trucks or vans
7:19  crypt: I see fuckin fbi cars
7:19  crypt: van pulled over infant of my house once
7:19  Realtalkthough: I don't mean any offense by this. But u could have made a lot more than 90k. Plus evading the feds is ridiculously easy. I know people who actually breach shit
7:19  crypt: pulls out industrial magnet
7:20  crypt: we breached shit bru
7:20  Realtalkthough: 1 out of 700 identity thieves (like carders) are even ever caught.
7:20  crypt: me and a friend did shit just for the fun of it
7:20  crypt: the activism
7:20  crypt: I don't want to divulge any of that though
7:20  Realtalkthough: Yeah but u said u were afraid of feds, now u are saying u did breach, so why not breach a place and get info, selling the dump
7:20  crypt: too sensitive, and you've probably heard of it ;)
7:21  crypt: .gov emails r expensive
7:21  crypt: ;)
7:21  crypt: and I like keeping it low-key
7:22  crypt: like I have atleast 8-10 friends in federal prison
7:22  crypt: from getting busted
7:22  crypt: Talking to my friend on Skype once just normally playing video games and the power goes out
7:22  Realtalkthough: It's like every van, truck, mo-ped, motorized scooter, Vespa, was an f.b.i agent via ur perception one minute. Not wanting to breach home depot due to feds on your tail. Then the next minute u say u breached shit just for fun, didn't give a fuck, and fear
7:22  crypt: never heard from him till I saw it in his local news lmao
7:22  Realtalkthough: nothing with four wheels
7:23  Realtalkthough: Or two wheels
7:23  Realtalkthough: Or haz a motor....
7:23  crypt: it's just something that didn't come up lmao
7:24  crypt: you need to actually find a vulnerability and attack vector
7:24  crypt: it's not like I WANT TO HACK HOME DEPOT TODAY
7:24  Realtalkthough: If u can really hack. Tell me my I.P right now, even if it's just the i.p I am surfing under. Tell me what it is, if u are a hacker this should be easy
7:24  crypt: lmao there is no reasonable way to do that
7:24  Realtalkthough: I am not Obama this should be easy
7:24  crypt: it's not like I am a magician
7:24  crypt: your IP isn't leaking or anything
7:25  crypt: YOU -> sociopath-community servers -> ME
7:25  Realtalkthough: There isn't????? I'll send u a link in a second. Anyway in the meantime hack into this site if u can hack
7:25  Realtalkthough: Should be chicken shit
7:25  crypt: hey man run 30 miles if you can run
7:26  Realtalkthough: It's not protected by the government. Should be easy right? I know guyz who could hack this website literally no fucking problem
7:26  Realtalkthough: Breach it and I will give u 90k for the year so u can stay mediocre and content
7:26  crypt: but I really do not feel like doing it bru
7:26  crypt: send me the 90k first lmao
7:27  crypt: I really don't see the purpose of breaching this site
7:27  Realtalkthough: For sure for sure. U could totally do it. U are just not feeling the vibe, makes sense.
7:27  crypt: no monetary gain just to make me edik longer
7:27  Realtalkthough: U hackers are known to be very dependant on ur moods in order to use ur technicial abilities
7:27  Realtalkthough: U are full of shit dude
7:27  Realtalkthough: This is a joke
7:27  Realtalkthough: U are a joke
7:27  crypt: l00000000l
7:27  crypt: ok dumb nigga
7:27  Realtalkthough: U are full of so much shit it's hilarous
7:28  Realtalkthough: I am going to tell everybody what a dumb bitch u are\
So easy to get you riled up hunny ;) just rub your e-dick with some menial technical lingo and you just splurge. Fun to watch.
Yes, I was completely fucking with him. I didn't do anything above; it was all a work of fiction. :)
If anyone believes a word they read on this website they are a fucking idiot.
Realtalkthough: I am going to tell everybody what a dumb bitch u are\
crypt: I honestly don't care lmao
crypt: h3y man deface this site m3n
Realtalkthough: I said I didn't know how to hack dipshit
crypt: no I am just being you dipshit
Crypt has a lack of gray matter in the brain. Please excuse his pathetic efforts to save face, Behind this mask is a man without any solid sense of critical thinking. Your best defense is the extremely advanced hacker tool stolen from the government known as "Copy and paste". Only some will be smart enough to use it. If you are a dumb anal whore or your name is Blanc. Please do not attempt.
As you can see. He has already reverted back to the "master hacker" persona. If called out on this he will play off the above post as a joke,
and say that he got the better of every1 who read it. Until we start making fun of him again and he will then become Edward Snowden's masked right-hand-man. Making the unfathomable some of 90k a year. With his unbelievable hacker skillz that can make shit blow up. Reminds me of the movie "Accepted".
Realtalkthough stated: source post
With his unbelievable hacker skillz that can make shit blow up.
Yes, what I said wasn't facetious at all.
I think you have autism