oh so you were lurking..anyway i don't really agree with the way you always come in all hysterical and melodramatic without asking any questions. did being an emotional spoilt brat get you your way as a child? is that why you still do this embarrassing shit as a 'man'?
also, you choose not to believe certain people's stories, TS having cancer for example, mee with the missy thing. respect other people's perspectives you stupid pig headed narc.
also, missc was just as bad as alena and i, and she also talked about her childhood, but strangely you said nothing about her, even though you were clearly present for the conversation..how interesting. as well as the fact that trip tells her 'i hope you die during one of your panic attacks' and your advice to her becomes general, you pussy. this is about alena and i hurting your pathetic fragile ego isn't it?